AI Creation Thread (Share Your Best)

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Image Creation

I figured I would create a post to showcase a couple of recent creations and start a conversation about AI Images. What prompts are you leveraging to create your art? What Platform? How many Attempts are you sending before you are satisfied with the result? Where do you think that the technology will be in 2 years? AI is ever evolving, No clue what we will be looking at in the Future.

2d Becomes 3d

Prompt- imagine/ A smiling [subject] is leaning out of the billboard on which [he/she] is printed, pointing with one hand. The photo was taken from below, and there were no cars or people around. He wears [outfit]. It looks like an advertising shot for TV shows. The photography has high resolution, high definition, and is ultra realistic in the style of advertising photography [aspect ratio and any other parameters]

I have learned to use GPT to create prompts. The more specific you are, the better the image.

For Some reason, I have been hung up on billboards as of late. Here are a couple more I got by making only minor changes to the prompt. As content creation goes, even AI generated prompts require a human touch!

Now then, I have shown you mine! Now Show me your finest, most artistic AI creations. By sharing with others, It is my view that the entire community will learn as a whole.

The next step is yours! Have A Good Day! Happy AI Image Creation!

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Wow! Some really neat images. Everyone looks to have come up with some really beautiful images.

I have used AI images frequently. My favorite is probably the attached one. It's pretty basic, but it serves its purpose on Facebook! I added drop down text. Although currently I do not remember what it says! LOL


I love this one and had inspired me to create a new product! The Fully Functional Invisible Bar Bell! I will make Trillions with this technology! Kidding!

Which program did you use for this one?

The person looks very realistic. It is amazing how prompts creates these works of art. Fine tuning the prompts perfects the images. Awesome work Karin. Keep it up!

It's honestly really cool what we can create with AI now, especially when it comes to images. It can be a true collaboration as we go back and forth with the AI to hone in the exact mood, vibe, feel, and aesthetics of the pin.

So here's my latest image for an article for my chess website. The article is about knowing when to sacrifice in chess, so I envisioned a battlefield with a massive army approaching and a lone brave queen standing ready, sword in hand, knowing she can't possible fend them off alone, but also realizing she has no choice. She's making the ultimate sacrifice for her side. πŸ’―

I love AI images!

The red hair really works wonders for that photo that’s so dark. Makes your eyes go straight to the hair. Excellent picture.

I love this pix!!!


Same :)

I just realized the final image in this post, the lady has five fingers and a thumb, thus providing proof there are aliens among us as the old adage goes, Women Are From Venus!

Hi Michael

Nice job! πŸ‘

Here's a Pinterest pin that I created with DALL-E 3, using a GPT I built for Wampler effect pedals. I asked the GPT to create a close-up of a wizard holding the pedal in his hands and specified a Hex color value for the pedal.

Descriptive info (also generated by ChatGPT4):

Magical Tones: The Wizard's Pedal!

Discover the enchanting sounds of a Wampler pedal, cradled in the hands of a mystical wizard among ancient forest whispers. This scene blends the magic of music with the allure of ancient sorcery!

What magical effect would you want your guitar pedal to have? Share your enchanting ideas!

#WamplerPedal #WizardMagic #EnchantedMusic

Have a great weekend! πŸ₯³
Frank 🎸

That turned out extremely well indeed! Good Job my friend!


Thanks, Michael! 😎

Frank 🎸

Yes Sir!

Hi - a few random images, using DALL-E within ChatGPT, initially based on your billboard theme!

1. A photograph of a man in black leather smiling, leaning out from his own billboard, pointing with one hand. Feature a rainy backdrop with droplets visible in the air, enhancing the texture of the scene. Viewed from below. High-resolution, ultra-realistic advertising style. Professional lens, full-frame camera, outdoor lighting, high angle shot, rain effect, vivid clarity, depth of field control, ultra high definition, modern advertising, surreal interaction.

2. A photograph of a female musician in a vibrant, colorful outfit emerging from her album cover poster on a city building, surrounded by graffiti walls. Set during a sunny afternoon with clear skies. High-resolution, ultra-realistic advertising style. Professional lens, full-frame camera, urban street art background, bright daylight, vivid outfit, dynamic pose, music industry theme, street style.

3. A photograph of a female painter in a casual outfit, actively painting the edges of her own mural on the side of an old brick building. The scene is set on a sunny day, emphasizing the textures and colors of the mural and building. High-resolution, ultra-realistic style. Professional lens, full-frame camera, daylight, active painting pose, vibrant mural colors, textured brick, urban setting, artistic expression.

Great images, Diane! πŸ‘πŸ‘

I'll bet you can guess which one I like best. Lol 😎

Rock On! 🀘πŸ”₯⚑️🎢
Frank 🎸

Surly the second one is Franks favorite. I love this image and how it transforms from 2d to 3d using the explosive color tones! If that is a thing. I should have paid closer attention to the instructor in art class on how to describe artwork, but for me, that one checks all marks on my list!


Haha, it is my favorite, Michael!

Guitars can be challenging to model with AI. This one has bass guitar tuning machines on a six-string instrument, but it still rocks. πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

Frank 🎸

I love these images, Diane! =They are so sharp and crisp! I especially love the bottom one! I'm not an art critic, but it sure tells a story.


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