Regrettable and pianful
Very regrettable, painful and pathetic to announce the suspension of my trainning and and online business here for a while due to economy situation presently in my country.
During the black friday discount, I tried hard to upgrade to yearly premium member but all effort in vain due to the govetnment policy that restric international trandaction to $100 per month.
However, the economy resession is seriouly biting harder in the country. When I was unable to upgrade to yearly premium member, I continue with monthly but through out this month, I was very busy and I could not work on my website.
Perhaps if my website has started generating revenue I would have continue to endure the situation.
Indeed, I have started loving my webdite and the feedback received were very encouraging, even most of the people that droped their comment on my website asked me to monetize my website that the contents ate very informative but I think I haven't gotten to where I can start generating revenue yet.
Consequent upon the the above, I have to suspend the training for now because a dollar is presently been exchage at the rate of N490 to N500.
Nevertheless, I hope to come back as soon as the situation get better or improve.
Thank you, I love you all and I will miss all of you.
Recent Comments
I'll miss you too, Moses, but that too will pass, and I trust it will pass soon enough for you, and that you'll find sufficient strength to handle the disappointment.
Moses, my initial reaction is to say I am sorry it didn't work out. I understand your situation. I do though believe that when one door closes another opens and hope that if it is right for you that you will be back again. It might be helpful to use the time to work on your site till something does come up, even if only as a free member?
Sad to hear.
'but I think I haven't gotten to where I can start generating revenue yet'. I don't agree with this statement especially if your site is deemed informative. What makes you think you're not 'there yet?
So sorry to hear this Moses, just as you were starting to make headway. I'm sure you'll be back as soon as you can sort the money situation out:) Try not to let this affect your holiday spirit if possible.
Sorry to hear that Moses. God bless you. It's easy to forget how difficult things are in the world!
This is too bad, I hope your situation will get better!