Are you stressed?

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Hey Everyone!

How is everyone doing? I haven't blogged at WA in a while! I just wanted to share some of my struggles I've had along the way and "How I'm able to overcome the stress of being a newbie affiliate marketer".

Maybe this can help other newbies too:)

Learning how to make money online as an affiliate marketer has its stressful moments no doubt. I never would have imagined how much work it really takes start an online business. I've been a Premium Member since October 2019 and have written 50 posts on my website. Yay me!

I'm truly thankful to have found Wealthy Affiliate, as I would of never been able to learn as much as I have otherwise. It's been a great and overwhelming experience thus far! The training, the community and just the whole experience is really amazing.

Often times having to learn so much can feel very overwhelming and cause stress. So I wanted to share what I've been doing to overcome my online stress and hopefully help you too, if you are feeling stressed too, of course:)

3 Best Ways to Prevent Online Stress (my opinion)

1. Sleep - In my opinion, this is the first and foremost important key to combating stress. Online or not. If we don't get enough quality sleep, how can we ever be productive? I commit to sleeping 8 to 9 hours every night so that I'm ready to work online after my first morning coffee.

2. Commitment (with breaks) - I commit to working on my site and my training every single morning. I am committed to this by setting up a specific time Monday through Friday. I now commit to working online from 9am to 1pm. After 1pm, I have the rest of the day to relax, be with my family, cook dinner, clean, etc. Just move on with my day and enjoy it. I put my online business on hold (except for answering e-mails) until the next morning when my mind is refreshed and eager to continue. I usually take Saturday and Sunday off to be with my family and to recharge my batteries:) Recharging is necessary, especially if you are stressed. We need to commit for sure but also give ourselves permission to take small breaks in order successfully move forward.

3. Celebrate Accomplishments - Be proud of yourself and celebrate every little accomplishment you make. I cannot believe how much I now know compared to when I first started last October. Be thankful for having the opportunity to learn something new online every day and celebrate it. Be proud for all your accomplishments and remember this time next year, you are going to be so much more knowledgeable.

My example: I had NO idea how to even copy and paste anything before I came to Wealthy Affiliate and now I have an amazing website with 50 published posts:)

So here you have the 3 best ways that have really helped me prevent online stress. I continue to remind myself that It's going to take time to make money so in the meanwhile move forward without stress by making sure to get your sleep, commit to training (with breaks), and celebrate every little accomplishment along the way.

We will get there!

Do you stress with your online business?

Do you have any more tips you can share with us?

Cheers my friends:)


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Recent Comments


You have achieved a milestone by publishing 50 articles. I feel stress as I want to see the money coming in. To overcome this, I set SMART goals and track my progress.

I do not look at how much money I want to make rather what are the activities I need to do to make the money.

For example, publish more articles, market my products.


Thank you and that's awesome Marc!

Thank you so much for sharing your SMART goal tip! I like that a lot!!

Well done on your website and yes, we need to deal with stress often. Thanks for the tips.

Thank you very much, Stanley:)

You're welcome!

Great advice, sleep is my best friend.
Kind regards

Yes, I totally agree!!!

Thanks for sharing Lisa:)

Thanks for sharings these . Its also a great reminder to look after yourself. I like the first one. sleep. LOve my sleep.Jen

Thank you, Jen!

Me too!!!! Honestly, if I can sleep 10 hours a night or more, I will! lol! It really makes for a much better day:)

Excellent advice Miranda.
I know I don't get enough sleep - too many night working on content well past midnight!


Thank you!

I have been there but I had to stop that due to stress. It really can be difficult to get enough sleep when we have so much on our minds and really want to finish up on our work.

Hope you get some sleep tonight Dave:)

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