HAHA ok back for the 3rd time and serious
OK, so here I am back for the 3rd time and this time it's for real and I will tell you why. I first joined in about 2012 and was going very well and even got my first book published in Nov of 2013, however and this is a big however and maybe take heed rookies!!!! I got too complex and had about 3 products 2 websites, blogs and training and the lot and I hit an overload wall at 85 mph and my head exploded and loads of plug-ins and themes spilled out in the street.
FF to maybe late 2014 and I tried again, I poked WA with a stick a bit from a distance and it still moved so I took off my sock and dipped in the proverbial toe into the proverbial water and 'voila' I signed up again......Only this time I had not the time, money or interest as i was learning to be a cocktail barman and my recently fixed and refilled brain was not in the WA groove, I don't think I lasted a month.
So why now MikeyB? I feel now with a few years behind me and months of thinking and some quiet solitude in my new 'shed' I know now that I need a place to put all my thoughts together in one place and WA is the community where I want to grow develop and play. A place for my books, writing, a niche, my blog, in fact my world, and my world is what it will be...you will see in a month or so...
SO....Kyle and Carson I am back and this time......ITS FOR REAL!!!
Look forward to speaking with the old and the new, thats in WA terms not chronologically, except for Paul, Dave, Grippy and all you real oldies......
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Welcome back Mike. Look forward to reading about your new successes.
Thank you Mr Carrot..LOL..Great name..