Been busy on Wealthy Affiliate


I have written three blog posts in two days. This is a major accomplishment for me because I have had a very busy schedule this weekend and have also spent a lot of time for my family.

I notice now I am thinking about content to write about in my spare time consistently and I will just write out paragraphs at a time on site content, save it, then get back to what I was doing.

It is a little hard writing this stuff on my Iphone, so I do not try to link anything or insert pictures during this time.

At night when the rest of the family is asleep I finish up by blogs and post them. Today I just now finished up my last one even though the family is not asleep. Sometimes you need to clear your head, so I used this time to finish my last two blogs. My six year old came in my office during this time, so I had to write while listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd. He likes to play songs on my cell phone.

I wish everyone the best.


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You do what you can, when you can. I also try to fit in a little writing in between family time.

All the best,

As I said please do not over do it OK


And be a simple kind of man. :-)

First off, I can think of worst music to listen to!

Secondly, you have done quite a bit even when life interrupts as it does with all of us. (I, myself, have a problem when my grandkids are here - every Sunday and one or two of the other days a week!)

Which you all the best . You give us lots of motivation.

Hi! Mike, You have a great family because you are responsible and responsive to the nuances of family life; you are succeeding; congratulations-a-million!

Now, I will remind myself of what I should do by remembering the example you set.

Best wish to happiness and success,


You are very motivated and committed. It definitely will pay off.

Ahh yes, "Sweet Home Alabama" have a very intelligent son. :-)

You should be constantly saving blog ideas for publishing

I know how you feel Mike. I get up at 3.30 am every morning to get stuck into it.

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