New Feature Added on my Website: Countdown Timer Tool

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I wanted to let you know that I’ve recently implemented a Countdown Timer Tool on my website.

This tool allows users to set and track time with various options:

  • Custom Time Input: Enter a specific number of seconds.
  • Preset Options: Choose from 15 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, or 15 minutes.
  • Sound Alert: A beep will sound when the timer ends.
  • User-Friendly Design: Simple and intuitive interface.

This feature was created using the free version of ChatGPT, and I had no prior experience with coding.
The process was straightforward and helped me add this useful tool to the site.

The idea is that it is possible to add a similar tool to your website -> that might have the potential to increase traffic.
I am sure there are many tools that you guys use externally, and the one you use the most, you might also implement it within your website using the chat GPT.


I would appreciate any feedback on this tool.
Are there any additional features or improvements you would suggest?

Your input will help in refining the tool to better meet user needs.

You can view the Countdown Timer Tool on my website:

setaffiliatebusiness .com/ countdown-timer/

Thank you for your insights.


PS. The tool is still in the "development" phase (I have spent less than an hour to get to this stage).

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Recent Comments


Just curious, what you would use this for?


I use the countdown timer to improve focus during work sessions.
For example, I set it for 30 minutes to help me stay fully concentrated on a task without distractions.
It’s a simple way to boost productivity.

Oh, I get you! Smart. I get very distracted sometimes. This might be a very good tool to use. Thanks for helping me understand better.


Interesting 🧐 This would be helpful towards my Self Reflection ???? NICHE

@MichalB Thanks for asking us to help you experiment and KUDOS for a product test going to market so quickly



How do you use it and how does it increase traffic?

I agree with Mark about how a timer helps increase traffic.



I never said it increases traffic I want to know how it does

How lol?


Never heard of timers getting you more traffic. I wish michalB can explain

Sorry, must have misread your comment.

Oh lol


A timer tool (or any similar tool) can help increase traffic because people actively search for simple, useful tools like this online.

Once they find it helpful, they may share it with others or return to use it again, driving more visits to the website.

Additionally, offering free, practical tools can improve search engine rankings and attract new visitors.

Hope that makes sense :)

Please see my comment to markh613

Oh, so you’re saying you offer the timer tool to others on your website. I thought you meant that simply using the tool on your website adds traffic. So it seems to me that offering such tools would make sense if your niche is all about teaching productivity, for example. It may not make sense for all niches

Awesomness, and thanks for the clarification.


Busted! 🍑



It definitely makes perfect sense for niches related to productivity.

However, to broaden the idea, any content creator, regardless of their niche, needs to be productive.
They might find themselves using the tool to help manage their time more effectively, even if productivity isn’t their primary focus.

Hope that makes sense.

In that case they would not be using the tool on their website? They would just use it to time themselves?

That's right.

Thank you, Michal! I appreciate you 🙏


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