My World Turned Upside Down

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(Cover Photo: World viewed upside down by ChatGPT)

Hi Everyone,

Jeff Brown's situation has truly rocked my world.

But I believe its a good reality check at the same time.

So my initial focus now is what do I need to do if I died 6 months from now.

I've already started working on the paperwork for Melissa Jeane's U.S. Citizenship and Passport. That's a primary focus. #1.

Next is making sure we start or make it easy for Wen to be able to move all my titles at KDP Amazon over to her account so that income can continue coming in for them long after I am gone.

Jeff's KDP Amazon income will go nowhere or the "State" will just take it. It won't benefit anyone else. His unfinished work will not be published.

That clearly resonates with me.

My Health has to taken more seriously than ever. Never ending effort is needed.

I'm thankful that my 3 daughters were able to be here in October.

Once these things are accomplished I'll come up with a "What do I need to do if I were to die in One year?"

That's where I am at right now as I continue to process what happened to Jeff and how it is impacting me.

Oh, that reminds me.

I purchased to continue the work of FriSatSu. It will be an unknown time before the dot com URL becomes available again for me to try to purchase.

I'll continue what Jeff started.

Happy FriSatSu!

Mel Waller

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Recent Comments


Yes, Mel, this both sad and encouraging. Each one has his/her time here. It is good that we can be mindful of what happens to our beloved when we leave. What you are doing is the right thing to do. That said, there health conditions that can hit us so abraptly that one fails to see it coming . Take cases of stroke!! You may be hit at any time. Wishing you success in all that you are doing, both for Jeff, and your family. Have a refreshing weekend.

Hi Mel!

You may want to check into setting up a trust that incorporates all your activities: all revenues and activities are owned by the trust, actions are all set upon death, and an executor is chosen to enact the wishes of the trust owner.

It gives a great level of comfort, knowing no matter the appointed time, things are taken care of.

Thanks for the info Howard!


Let me know if you need more info, Mel! Mark Kohler, who I mentioned to you before, also has YouTube videos on the subject.

Hi Mel

Those are valid concerns, but it's not healthy to dwell on our mortality. Instead, what I do is get yearly preventative exams (yes, even physicians have routine doctor visits, lol) and live a healthy lifestyle with a reasonable amount of exercise, although I'm no athlete.

If you still do business with an American bank, they may be able to help you with some of your financial concerns. My banking team helps me manage my estate and all its earned and passive income, including brokerage and advisory accounts. They set up my trust fund and get me competitive rates on the best health, long-term care, final expense, automobile, and homeowners insurance.

I meet with them on a quarterly basis to review and update all the estate's assets.

Frank 🎸

Thanks for sharing Frank!


Hello Mel

Thank you for sharing and it's great you are thinking about the future and also are going to be continuing Jeff's legacy.

I just noticed the website is now pretty much a blank canvas. It still loads but says nothing is found. Do you have any idea what happened to it?

It's sad Jeff's income won't go anywhere. It would be good if it could go to his family after all the hard work he did and same with his unfinished work.

I wish you all the best going forward and many blessings in these hard times. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help especially with Jeff's legacy.

Happy FriSatSu to you and everyone else here and cheers to a bright future ahead. Thank you again for sharing. All the best to your success.



I removed the content on the site so its not seen as duplicate content when I get mine going.

Jeff didn't have any family where he was living so I doubt even his mother is aware of what has happened to him. :-(


Hello Mel

Thank you for letting me know and I think you did the right thing. Sorry to hear about Jeff not having any family near him.

I wish you all the best and let me know if there is anything I can do to help with Jeff's legacy. All the best to your success.



Hi, Mel.

Sorry, and not to throw another depressing thought your way but, what if you didn't die in 6 months or a year, but became incapacitated? I think this also needs to be considered.

Thanks for all you do for Jeff, and us. It is appreciated.


Duly noted Jay.



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