Marine Medic Mel Meticulously Mending

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(Cover Photo: Blood Pressure kit)

Hi everyone,

I am pleased to report that my finger is on the mend and hopefully will be healing up nicely over the next couple of months.

I was concerned that I might have to go to the doctor about this, but I seem to have the situation well at hand. Photo below.

I have a 6 in long bruise on my lower right arm now along with the elbow being scraped up and additionally the right side of my chest hurts all though I cannot pinpoint the exact location, but I guess when you fall down enough times on your right side more things are going to start hurting.

Rule 1: stop falling down.

Rule 2: defy gravity.

Who was thinking of having a t-shirt with the large letters "DG" on it for defy gravity and also possibly delete Google. Ha ha

I did do some shopping today, but I mostly use a trike to get around not wanting to tempt fate again.

The challenge with walking here is whether it is the roads or the sidewalks there will always be residual cement spots there as people making cement for various purposes find it easier to make it on the sidewalks and the road and they don't clean up the mess they created thus it's very easy to trip over that with our feet and that is why I have fallen the few times that I have fallen not counting the one time I tripped over the metal fence that was flattened and laying right next to the sidewalk.

I do still remain grateful for this experience because it truly underscores the necessity to be in the best health that I can be and I will continue to work in that direction on all fronts.

I do like the VoiceTyper that I am using to write this blog post and I will start using it for other things as I try to slowly get back into working.

I believe the world is going crazy and so I am taking steps to be better prepared should some of that craziness come this way. Enough said on that.

I believe Melissa Jeane and her skin rash has finally cleared up. We used hydrocortisone cream to take care of that.

We continue to make improvements inside and outside our new rental house. It looks like we won't be getting the rabbits that we had before, but I am going to buy some bird seed, because Melissa Jeane likes watching the birds on the ground outside so we can attract more and she can have fun watching those.

I might see about trying to get some birds for pets and perhaps a baby bunny or kitten.

I hope you all are doing well and if not I hope you get better or start doing well soon.

To Our Success!

Mel Waller

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Recent Comments


Ouch! That looks like it hurts!
Well, we have to learn from Wylie the Cyotie (if you watched Looney Tunes) not to defy gravity, it's learning to fall from a cliff and get right back up like nothing happened! 🤪 See, that's the key! 🤪🤣🤣🤣
Take care and hope it heals soon!

Glad you are mending-- keep up the good work.

Interested in the voice do you access it? At times might be easier for me to use such a thing.

Fran, it has a free trial.


Thanks very much, Mel.

Get yourself into space Mel, apparently there's no gravity there!
Delighted your finger's on the mend.


Thanks Rick!


Hey, hey, hey. what's with the alliterative post. I like it Mel.
I once had a nasty cut on my head and used superglue to stick it back together.

Yes, that Isaac Newton bloke was very clever when he invented Gravity. the only problem was - he died before he told us how to turn it off.

Glad you are on the mend old chum, and especially pleased to hear that MJ is making improvements. It can't be easy being poorly and little.

World, crazy, definitely. The whole social and moral structure of society is collapsing.

Take care you lot.

Yes. Thanks Bux!


With that wound, I think antibiotics would be advisable Mel.


Thanks for your suggestion Paul.


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