August 17, 2024 My Progress

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(Cover photo: Duck looking under water: It was here somewhere!)

Hi everyone,

Along with working constantly on my business, I am trying to take the time to share with WA members what I am learning. There might be a delay in replying to comments although I have been getting to them within a day so far.

At some point, I might not respond to comments at all, but I will keep posting if possible.

The more I build the foundation to my Billion Dollar Publishing Business with AI's help, the more learning and the more work I have to do.

I am reviving my Financial Youtube channel and will do the same with my Publishing Youtube channel.

I am thinking maybe I can post on Youtube one day and then publish on websites and Social Media the next and alternate that way.

Its a lot of work including continuing to learn more about how I can continue to incorporate AI in to my business.

And I have to take time to publish more books/ebooks, original content as well as public domain content.

Soon, I want to start creating courses and perhaps a live training program as well. I'd start that small with just a few customers and scale it as I feel good about content and giving my live time to help.

Yes, I still take time for family believe it or not.

Melissa Jeane and I went out this morning and purchased 2 chicks for her to play with. At around 3 months or whenever they start to be getting adult size, we will sell them or give them away and buy 2 more baby chicks. She love it. I never thought I would have Chicken Chicks as pets. :-)

Add them to the 2 rabbits and 2 birds we have also.

Oh, later Melissa Jeane and I went out with her bubble gun and had some fun also. :-)

I was happy to assist Mark from WA in becoming an Amazon Bestselling Author. I always love doing that.

Ok that kind of sums things up for now.

Keep Succeeding & Never Give Up!!!

Mel Waller

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Good morning Mel,

One of the many good things about Wealthy Affiliate is the community.

We can share our experiences, even if we have failed, which in turn, helps others.

It's great that you've been up to help Mark with his book, I may also need your help at some point, Mel. I believe you have some training up on creating books, etc as well as Phil, who recently left the platform, unfortunately.

Have a great day.


Thanks Roy!


Have you thought about keeping the chickens for their eggs? Free range are always the best.🥚

Maybe some day Cynthia. :-)


You always put a big smile on my face! I hope you know what a positive impact you make.

Thanks Christina! I appreciate the feedback!


Great idea, Mel!

Such cute baby chicks!

We had chicks, rabbits, cats, dogs, frogs, and a baby goat as kids.

My grandfather would buy baby goats and take them to the local butcher after they were grown. So, we always had baby chickens and a new baby goat two or three times a year. They told us as kids that all our meat came from the "supermarket." We thought they made the meat there and sold it. Little kids were very ill-informed back in the 1950s! Hahaha 😆

We never found out that we were eating some of our pets until we were teenagers. That was typically Italian, but I still think it was a bit evil. Lol 😎

Frank 🎸

Ouch, Frank. That would be a shock to discover.

If/When we ever rent a place with some land we can do a lot more with pets & plants. :-)


Hahaha, it wasn’t too bad to hear as teenagers, Mel.😎

I guess we were having too much fun for it to make much of an impression, but my sister still talks about it since she is the animal person of the family.

She has a country home with lots of land and animals. It’s all quite a bit of work but her husband pitches in to help and he likes working outside.

He grows most of their fruits and veggies and just planted thirty fruit trees. It’ll be years before he gets any harvest from them but he enjoys gardening.

Guitars are much easier to care for. Lol 😆

Frank 🎸

Awesome, Mel! The two baby 🐥 s are adorable!

Myra ♥️

Thanks Myra!


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