About MelJen
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421 followers Joined February 2015
I recently found myself having to start over after some pretty tough life circumstances and am optimistic that Wealthy Affiliate will be a viable way





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

It seems I may not have done the correct thing with regard to migrating one of my Wordpress blogs to WA. I already own the domain name and used the Wordpress dashboard to ch

Put in a support ticket and they will help you to transfer your content to your domain here.

Thanks Tommy. That sounds like sound advice. I'm not sure where my content is right now. I can't access it anywhere but am hopeful the experts will know what to do.

hi Mel dont know if this is what your after you could look here an see http://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/movinghosts.shtml

sorry if its the wrong answere

No apology needed, glove. (How strange it is to be calling a human being 'glove'. :) ) I've just perused the article you've given me and there's excellent information there. Just what I need. Thank you.

lol my names actually Ade my mobile phone caused me to have that name when me and my wife were together and i used to tex here everytime i wrote love my phone spelt glove, so she started calling me it and other people heard and so it went on, but it wasent a very butch nick name for a bloke working on a building, site as i wasat the time before i was a chef

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I'm having difficulty migrating my wordpress blog to wa?

I'm having difficulty migrating my wordpress blog to wa?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

It seems I may not have done the correct thing with regard to migrating one of my Wordpress blogs to WA. I already own the domain name and used the Wordpress dashboard to ch

Put in a support ticket and they will help you to transfer your content to your domain here.

Thanks Tommy. That sounds like sound advice. I'm not sure where my content is right now. I can't access it anywhere but am hopeful the experts will know what to do.

hi Mel dont know if this is what your after you could look here an see http://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/movinghosts.shtml

sorry if its the wrong answere

No apology needed, glove. (How strange it is to be calling a human being 'glove'. :) ) I've just perused the article you've given me and there's excellent information there. Just what I need. Thank you.

lol my names actually Ade my mobile phone caused me to have that name when me and my wife were together and i used to tex here everytime i wrote love my phone spelt glove, so she started calling me it and other people heard and so it went on, but it wasent a very butch nick name for a bloke working on a building, site as i wasat the time before i was a chef

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have a website that I'd like to transfer to WA that deals with the topic of emotional, psychological and verbal abuse. It uses examples from my own experience and because I've

Hi MJ. I think it is always the case that names get changed in all instances I have seen of such accounts that are made public. I would think the advice below to use your first name, your photograph and a 'pen name' for a surname would be a good solution. Unless you brag about doing all this within your family/friends circles then it is highly unlikely that the guilty parties will come across it on the web. If they do I am sure they would not want to bring attention to themselves by making a legal fuss.

Thanks so much. I was thinking that way myself last night while surfing the net on the topic. There are plenty of 'true' stories out there with a lot of potentially disputable material. I'm quite certain the persons involved will be doing their utmost to fly under the radar, so yes...not wanting to draw attention. If push came to shove, they know I have an expert witness to subpoena. If it gets to the stage where I want to put it into book form - and it may well do - I'll see a lawyer first. Thanks again...now to decide upon a pen name. :)

I would investigate free legal advice---there must be a forum available and people who have/are in a similar situation. I am a firm believer in being 5 steps ahead......I wish you luck with this matter.

Sounds like a plan, MarineMom. I'm quite nervous about stepping out until I know exactly what I'm doing what the potential repercussions might be. I'll investigate the legal services. I'm sure there are resources I can hook into. Thanks for the insight.


I would go with the pen name too. Think of it as your professional name and you would be in the company of many authors and actors too.

You can set up social media accounts in your Pen name too.
Twitter, for example.

Though I would not do this with Facebook just create a business
Fan page linked to your site.

I use a pen name for various reasons (not dodgy or dishonest).

Also, whatever the rules of libel are in your area of the world. Do you really want to go through a legal battle?

Just my thoughts neither right nor wrong!


I can answer one question unequivocally. :) I definitely don't want a legal battle. I have no resources - financial, emotional or frankly, physical, to deal with such things. But the subject is close to my heart and the personal stories I tell seem to be a big factor with regard to my followers.

What if I used my maiden name? Could I still supply my photograph, and therefore, a personal touch? There would be no obvious link between me and my ex - EXCEPT for family and friends. This worries me...yet I am very much called to write about this topic and reach out to others.

Thankyou so much for your well-thought-out and considered opinion. Much appreciated.

I guess if everything you write is true and can be proven in a court of law. Then legally you are on safe ground (depending on the law in your area)

However, that is not really the point is it?

It all comes down to what your ex and/or his family would think & DO if they came across your articles.

I appreciate that you are in a very difficult position and admire your sincerity but you can help others by your experiences without opening yourself up to the various traumas if you get it wrong!

If in doubt use a pen name!

I don't think you have given anything away but do you realise that this community is NOT private but open to the whole internet who can read the community content?

To check - Log out of WA so you can see what others will see.
Enter your question in full into Google

Does anyone understand the libel laws?

You are currently at position No. 4

All the best with your choices but unfortunately very difficult for anyone else to advise.


I can't tell you how much I appreciate the time and effort you've gone to, to help me, Dave, with this delicate situation. With some revisions of my content, I believe I'll be able to continue assisting others without making myself vulnerable. I think it's more than possible to remove the descriptions of actual events and people, and craft my posts so that no intimate details are revealed. There are some posts that need to be deleted and others that can be modified. I'll work on an objective standpoint. Thank you for your insights.

It always easier for someone else to see things in a different light.

I truly wish you every success with your project and hopefully the understanding and comfort you can bring to your followers.

I am happy I could assist in such a small way.

All the best


If you use your married name then your ex could sue for libel (not sure if he'd win however) but if you used a nom de plume (pen name) then he's not being named. I'd go for using a nom de plume but keeping your first name. That gives the personal touch without fear of libel. ~Marion

Thanks Marion. I think it's actually very difficult to make a libel charge stick but I really don't want all the stress of having to worry about such things. If I used a nom de plume, which is not a popular trend with authors these days but may be necessary, could I still use my photograph? People respond to a face. It's human nature. I really appreciate your viewpoint and will look further into it.

I like your face so if I were you I'd use it. It's only a remote possibility that anyone you know will find you on the BIG world-wide-web.

Not too sure what you need

I know, Ken. Me either. :)

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Does anyone understand the libel laws?

Does anyone understand the libel laws?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have a website that I'd like to transfer to WA that deals with the topic of emotional, psychological and verbal abuse. It uses examples from my own experience and because I've

Hi MJ. I think it is always the case that names get changed in all instances I have seen of such accounts that are made public. I would think the advice below to use your first name, your photograph and a 'pen name' for a surname would be a good solution. Unless you brag about doing all this within your family/friends circles then it is highly unlikely that the guilty parties will come across it on the web. If they do I am sure they would not want to bring attention to themselves by making a legal fuss.

Thanks so much. I was thinking that way myself last night while surfing the net on the topic. There are plenty of 'true' stories out there with a lot of potentially disputable material. I'm quite certain the persons involved will be doing their utmost to fly under the radar, so yes...not wanting to draw attention. If push came to shove, they know I have an expert witness to subpoena. If it gets to the stage where I want to put it into book form - and it may well do - I'll see a lawyer first. Thanks again...now to decide upon a pen name. :)

I would investigate free legal advice---there must be a forum available and people who have/are in a similar situation. I am a firm believer in being 5 steps ahead......I wish you luck with this matter.

Sounds like a plan, MarineMom. I'm quite nervous about stepping out until I know exactly what I'm doing what the potential repercussions might be. I'll investigate the legal services. I'm sure there are resources I can hook into. Thanks for the insight.


I would go with the pen name too. Think of it as your professional name and you would be in the company of many authors and actors too.

You can set up social media accounts in your Pen name too.
Twitter, for example.

Though I would not do this with Facebook just create a business
Fan page linked to your site.

I use a pen name for various reasons (not dodgy or dishonest).

Also, whatever the rules of libel are in your area of the world. Do you really want to go through a legal battle?

Just my thoughts neither right nor wrong!


I can answer one question unequivocally. :) I definitely don't want a legal battle. I have no resources - financial, emotional or frankly, physical, to deal with such things. But the subject is close to my heart and the personal stories I tell seem to be a big factor with regard to my followers.

What if I used my maiden name? Could I still supply my photograph, and therefore, a personal touch? There would be no obvious link between me and my ex - EXCEPT for family and friends. This worries me...yet I am very much called to write about this topic and reach out to others.

Thankyou so much for your well-thought-out and considered opinion. Much appreciated.

I guess if everything you write is true and can be proven in a court of law. Then legally you are on safe ground (depending on the law in your area)

However, that is not really the point is it?

It all comes down to what your ex and/or his family would think & DO if they came across your articles.

I appreciate that you are in a very difficult position and admire your sincerity but you can help others by your experiences without opening yourself up to the various traumas if you get it wrong!

If in doubt use a pen name!

I don't think you have given anything away but do you realise that this community is NOT private but open to the whole internet who can read the community content?

To check - Log out of WA so you can see what others will see.
Enter your question in full into Google

Does anyone understand the libel laws?

You are currently at position No. 4

All the best with your choices but unfortunately very difficult for anyone else to advise.


I can't tell you how much I appreciate the time and effort you've gone to, to help me, Dave, with this delicate situation. With some revisions of my content, I believe I'll be able to continue assisting others without making myself vulnerable. I think it's more than possible to remove the descriptions of actual events and people, and craft my posts so that no intimate details are revealed. There are some posts that need to be deleted and others that can be modified. I'll work on an objective standpoint. Thank you for your insights.

It always easier for someone else to see things in a different light.

I truly wish you every success with your project and hopefully the understanding and comfort you can bring to your followers.

I am happy I could assist in such a small way.

All the best


If you use your married name then your ex could sue for libel (not sure if he'd win however) but if you used a nom de plume (pen name) then he's not being named. I'd go for using a nom de plume but keeping your first name. That gives the personal touch without fear of libel. ~Marion

Thanks Marion. I think it's actually very difficult to make a libel charge stick but I really don't want all the stress of having to worry about such things. If I used a nom de plume, which is not a popular trend with authors these days but may be necessary, could I still use my photograph? People respond to a face. It's human nature. I really appreciate your viewpoint and will look further into it.

I like your face so if I were you I'd use it. It's only a remote possibility that anyone you know will find you on the BIG world-wide-web.

Not too sure what you need

I know, Ken. Me either. :)

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