Are You A Blogoholic?


For those of you inside or outside Wealthy Affiliate, who
haven’t started any blog post yet, you might not understand. Try one blog post
and you will essentially be hooked…lol...Do you consider yourself a blogoholic?
I guess I am…

Once you post your first blog there is no turning back – you
start with Wealthy Affiliate then you move on to your own blog site. Then soon
you are blogging almost every day. You wake up in the morning, and the first
thing you do is turn on your computer/laptop/iPad/iPhone/smartphone or any
ithingy that can check your stats. You get so obsessed checking how many visits
you have, from where the traffic came from and what page were they on. Do you
check it every 30 minutes or every hour? Are you with me so far? Are we
becoming obsessive compulsive with google analytics?

Next thing you will do is check out other blogs – personal
blogs, joke blogs and health blogs, etc. You start commenting into other
blogs…and commenting more and more and more.

Even with this article I am trying to figure out whether to
post it on my blog site or Wealth Affiliate….lol…..

I actually am not a blogoholic. I just enjoy what I do immensely, and I learn a lot in the process. Try not to think about the statistics as much because it somehow takes the fun out of writing sometimes. Let’s just do it as simple as possible and have some fun blogging.

So, have you tried blogging yet? You gotta get with the times because blogging is the bomb!

If you like this post or want to add anything else, please
leave a comment.

Good luck on your journey! Start small but dream big!


Your friend in the digital world (or can be offline too)

Image Courtesy of Stuart Miles/

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Recent Comments


Hi Mel Blogging is becoming so important in the modern world yet did you know that in some languages there is no word yet for a blogger or even a social marketeer? These are not yet accepted in those cultures or countries yet as valid ways of making a living so you can consider yourself a real pioneer in the field!

Thank you for the comment, Gill. Appreciate it very much. It's kind of nice to know this and also wish other countries will catch up with the times. Maybe not a pioneer but just someone who is trying to mark a stamp into the internet world. Best of luck to you.

The only Illness I´ve got is I´m looking at google ads, every 10 minutes, am I sick or ?? ;)


Funny, Thomas! We have our own little sickness when it comes to checking anything that has something to do with our site.

So then I´m NOT the only one then ;)

As you I am just enjoying my presence at WA.

Thank you for the comment, Vimal! Love the interaction here and what I do for my business daily.

Thanks Mel, dreams (including big dreams) do come if with take those small steps of doing to start.

Thank you also, Daniel! They sure do. Best wishes to you.

Haven't started blogging yet , so I don't fully understand but , great blog anyway .

Thank you for the comment, Craig! I am looking forward to seeing your first blog here in WA. Best of luck to you.

Great blog, thank you for sharing!

Thank you, Kary! Hope you enjoyed it.

Hey Mel I understand what you are saying here. Before joining WA I never would have thought that I would be a blogger, yet here I am!

Thanks for the comment, James! And you are a good blogger, James!


I like the blogs you share with us. Thanks

Thank you, Bill! I like sharing my posts with you guys too. Best of luck to you.

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