My First $30,000 Month - Well Almost $29,330.68 To Be Exact

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It's been almost 2 years now since I joined WA. It's the place that started my entire journey into online entrepreneurship.

It's hard to believe I used to drive a forklift in a dusty old warehouse for 50+ hrs a week of only $17hr.

I now make almost as much in a single month than I did working an entire year, it still seems unreal.

I know a lot of people who start WA have taken the training and are still struggling to make an income online. You hear it day in and day out just keep working and pushing forward, create more content, content is king.

Then you will here excuses like I think I picked a bad niche, can't find the right products to promote, or some are here hoping to post a few articles and become rich overnight.

I can tell you it does not happen that way.

It takes a shit load of hard work to start making money online and even to this day I still work 8 to 10 hrs a day on my business.

There is no such thing as a 4-hour work week guys.

Sure I can take a few weeks off here and there and not see any major changes to my income but if I were to take a whole year off I can guarantee my income would probably drop by over half.

There is so much valuable training online outside of WA. Wealthy Affiliate is awesome without a doubt but don't stop there, take the little nuggets of gold here and there and apply it, then go out and look for other ways to expand your knowledge.

A lot of you will just complete the WA training and think that's the end all be all of the training. There is so so so so so so much more to just posing on blogs and keyword research.

Sure some of my $30k came from my blog but only about $3k. The rest came from my YT content/Ads, FB Ads, Adwords and more than anything else it's my email funnel sequences

Emails are still by far my #1 income source and I'm not sure why WA doesn't do more training on it.

So I am going to break it down how I make money online.

The first thing you will need is a good landing page builder (not a blog) a quick drag and drop landing page builder that is connected to your email autoresponder. You will use this to create simple optin pages giving something away of value for free. Like a list, short ebook, short video course, etc.

Then once they optin with their emails you will send out a sequence of emails about 10 to 15 that will be sent out to those on that email sequence. When they first come in to this list you will tag them in your autoresponder so you know where they came from so you can track them.

The first email they receive is an email introducing yourself and sending them a link to download the free pdf from Dropbox or where ever you have it stored at online. (Do not put any affiliate links in this email)

Then you will send them 2 or 3 more emails teaching them something of value. Example if you are in the weight loss niche send them emails on how to get started losing weight with these few simple tricks. (Do not put any affiliate links in this email)

You are trying to build trust with your email list not spam them with affiliate offers they will just unsubscribe.

People buy things from people they trust.

Then around email 4 or 5 send them value with a link or two to the affiliate product you are promoting, don't just say here go buy this product click link. (This crap doesn't work).

You may be asking why should I build an email list at all?

It's simple think about the last time you went online, read through a blog about a product and purchased it right then and there. You actually went found your wallet or purse got out your credit card, filled out the order form?

The normal person looking to buy or join a program will not do that. They will go online search for reviews, watch multiple YouTube video, and read multiple blogs about the product before they make their final purchase.

They may land on your site first read your review, click back and go to the next website read that review or info, click back again and do it over and over again until they have justified spending money to purchase the product or join a website. Most will research over the course of a few days.

Let's say someone goes online and starts search for ways to make money online. First they may go to google and type that in, landing on multiple pages and find the product they want. Then they go to YouTube to look for reviews of that product from real people talking on camera. People tend to trust you more when they can see your face.

So let say you create a YouTube video about ways to make money online (please start making YouTube videos even if you don't like being on camera it's the second largest search engine in the world and 10x easier to rank) and place a link below the video in the description to a landing page that you mention in your video giving them a pdf with the 10 easiest ways to start making money online today when they put in their email.

Now you can start building trust with that person through email giving them great advice about how to get started. Telling them to contact you if you have questions etc. That person will check out your pdf but also continue to search for ways to make money online.


You will be sending them valuable information over the next few days and when they finally do see in your email something along the lines of

"Hey Michael, I know you have been searching for a while now on a way to start making a little extra income online. Hopefully the list of 10 great ways to start making money online sparked a few ideas for you. I personally have been using XYZ for the past few years and have had great success with it. Would you like to hear my story about how I got started?"

See what I did there is I didn't post any links, I started a two-way conversation to get the email subscriber engaged. Then when they do reply please don't just say here go join this here is the link. Talk to them, give them advice.

Thats pretty much the birds eye view.

Of course there is a lot of other stuff going on in the background and I mostly use FB and YT ads to get traffic to that same optin page but that gives you an idea of how I am currently making money.

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Recent Comments


Hello sir.

Thank you so much for that great advice.

Im 4 months now at WA. but i did not earn any penny. But l still keep on hoping that one day my works will be rewarded.

Few question I hope you can help me.

1. you are good at auto email responder what is the best program for that.
2. how did you post attractive post at fb.
3. what is your success secret
4. what is the best tools to use in order to get good response.

thank you sorry for this long questions


is this free. I am still struggling with my finances.

sorry about that.

oK, that's very nice I will just find funds if my account will generate income for now. hopefully one day soon, somebody will get stumble to my account. But are there any trial versions with that program?

Yes, I noticed you could subscribe to all sorts of things and it would end up costing a small fortune, so I have deliberately stayed away from those options. Which payment option do you think gives the most value?

What an amazing journey – congrats to you – you deserve all the success you get!!!
A few questions if that is ok…
1, What plugin or platform do you recommend for the landing page? Do you get them automatically from the likes of Aweber / Getresponse? Or do you recommend to use something like click funnels?
2, Where can you source the “freebie” of value? Or do you write up something yourself and save it as a pdf file? Perhaps you can let us know where these free e books or free videos can be sourced please?
3, Finally, what kind of programs or software platforms do you recommend for making the videos – is it screencastomatic or something like that?

Many thanks in advance if you get the time to reply and well done again – also thanks so much for your inspirational post!!!

Many thanks - its much appreciated and best of luck in the year ahead!

Congrats on your success!

One theme I see from those here at Wealthy Affiliate who are making life changing earnings is it takes immense work to achieve. I am trying to get myself up to a post a day. Working full-time is making this a challenge.

Can you impart how you achieved posting daily to your site and working on your email marketing while working full-time?

I know in my heart this is my launching pad to changing my life, any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Proud papa of two,


So, are you saying that you can either be an 'influencer' using your influence with your audience to sell product, or a youtuber and advertiser, which - in your case - is more lucrative?

This is great news! We are very happy for you.
We know you have worked hard to achieve this and you have lit a fire under us! We are ready to start YouTube and have no fears of being on-camera. You are so right in that this has to be done.
All the best going forward,
C & P

Congrats!! This is good info. I need to learn more about creating an email list and landing page. I've heard of this before but maybe i'm just not that far yet.
Thanks for sharing. This was an eye opener. I know I need to work hard to prove what I am doing is worth it.
I'm going to follow you for when I am ready. Maybe I can reach out to you for some pointers.

Lots of great nuggets in this post. What did I get from this post?? -- If you're willing to put in the work. Put in the time. Put in more work. Direct your efforts to, and through, the right channels. And Be consistent at all of the above. It will happen for you.

Great Post.


Thank you so much for sharing this information, I need to work on my email sequences and get this happening.

You said you have had success with FB and TY ads, just wondering if you also use Bing and how you have found it?

I am just starting into PPC with Bing as per the training, I did get referrals but none going Premium, wondering if it is time to try FB.

Great post, brother, and nicely broken down! Keep up the good work!

Crazy! Congratulations!

Congratulations! Thanks for the information and inspiration.


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