A quick question for those that live in the USA.
Does Amazon dot com provide internet service in the USA?
Reason for the question, is beacuse I just checked my visits to one of my sites and the information points to Amazon dot com as the ISP.
Ive had Google visit my privacy pages before and was wondering is this Amazon visiting or just someones ISP...
Ive googled the question ( does Amazon dot com provide Internet service ) but only found information relating to it may possibly be considering it from April 2022, when they have so many satelites up by 3 to 9 years time or so.
I was thinking why would Amazon dot com visit my site, I have no affiliate products related to Amazon on there, Im not using GSC, but another limited free program to view my visits.
Anybody know?
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Yes, Amazon.com was started in the USA. It was started as a bookstore originally, and later branched out into being an online warehouse for anything that you can imagine online! I don't remember when it became international, but it has been for quite some time now. The owner of Amazon is known to be the richest man in the world!
Yes (or will be)...although it is not yet clear when exactly will Amazon launch the service.
Yeah thats what Ive seen so far on google, BrendaMZ mentioned WA uses AWS, so probably WA staff visiting.
The launch of AWS Ground ISP is not yet available in the USA. They plan to by 2023 or 2024. According to a press release a few years ago, they are still working on a satellite in orbit. Nobody knows when this will be launched when it does, we will learn about it.
You can check developers' site at
Thanks, so I'm assumming it was Amazon dot com that visited my site, would I be right in thinking that?
Our WA system uses AWS ( Amazon Web Servers ) for business. I think you're confused with business and personal home Internet. Our website is run from AWS, which is what WA uses. Is that what you are asking?
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There is really no reason for Amazon to check out your website especially since you have no products... This all sounds fishy to me...