About MattE888
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299 followers Joined December 2020
Hello! My name is Matthew and I joined Wealthy Affiliate to kindle my entrepreneurial spirit which has been held back for far too long! I'm





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I use prettylinks for my hoplinks which are scattered throughout my website.

If I click on one of these, it shows up in my dashboard at Clickbank. All good.


Hello Matt,

How are you doing, I hope all is well?

I'm always a bit dubious about how many clicks I'm getting on certain affiliate sites, I'm never quite sure of the accuracy unless it comes from Google analytics.

I can't answer your question directly, however, I believe that this may answer your question. Have a great day.


Hi Roy,

Thanks for this.

I'm too busy with my new job but still trying to add a couple of articles per month to my website.

Really looking forward to the day when I can jack the 9-5 and do this full time.

Hope you are well.


Good morning Matt,

A very happy Sunday to you.

I understand Matt, I do hope that your new job is going well. Hopefully, it will settle down soon and you will have a bit more time to post. Just try and post as much as you can, I'm sure you are.

It really is possible to work online full-time, we only need to read some of the success stories here. I appreciate that people have worked hard to get there, but it is possible. It's my aim too and I'm getting there!

All is well the same thank you, Matt.

Wishing you a great Sunday.


Hi Roy,

Blessed Sunday to you too!

The thing is, I really love writing, so my Saturday nights are spent either writing articles or doing keyword research and content planning.

I'm hoping that over the coming weeks I will be able to establish a rhythm whereby I can generate two articles per week. I should be able to achieve this.

My site traffic has stalled over the last 2 months, which is disappointing, but I gather it's not unusual and rather than worry too much about that, I'll just proactively add as much content as I can.

I hope you achieve your own goals soon.

Speak soon


Thank you, Matt!

That's great that you love writing and have set time aside, a perfect plan! That would be great if you could get to 2 articles per week. The more, the better!

I don't know if we will ever quite understand how Google works and maybe it's just as well we don't know exactly! I have websites where the traffic goes up and down all the time, I have no idea why! I believe it's something that we almost have to ignore. Yes, that's a great move, to proactively add content as and when you can.

I often think of a website as being like a shop window. I'm not an expert on shop windows as I don't do retail therapy! However, I believe that stores are continually changing what they have in the window. I believe that this should be the same with our website, we are continually changing the window by adding content.

I'm really pleased that you are being persistent with your online walk, it does take time. We also know that all things are possible for those who believe!

Have a great day.


The clicks shown at Pretty Links don't show you what someone does when they get to the Clickbank link.

They are just letting you know that the pretty link was clicked and therefore someone was taken to your Clickbank link.

Thanks Richard. As I understand it, every click on the link should be shown as a hop within clickbank. Hops aren't sales, just link-clicks.

Hi Matt
I understand your point and at the risk of overkill (sorry)...
Pretty Links records when someone clicks the Pretty Link...
When someone clicks the Pretty Link they get taken to the "Target URL" which they then choose to click, or not...
Pretty Links doesn't know if someone clicks the "Target URL", or not.

For example, I have a few people click a Pretty Links link that leads to the WA signup form. When they get to the signup form many don't go any further.

To see the difference I have to look at the Pretty Links stats and then separately to the WA stats.

Thanks for taking the time to explain Richard, I really appreciate that.

I was under the impression that the Hop is registered when somebody arrives at the target URL and isn't dependent on them then clicking somewhere on the target URL page.

Either way, it's not something I need to be overly concerned about just yet as my traffic levels are so low as to be meaningless.

Thanks again and have a great day.

You're very welcome, Matt!

Your clickbank dashboard is the one to go for vs any plugins you use on your website.

For an inquiry and follow up, I would check with their docs and support going forward.

Hope you get it figured out.

Thanks! Yes, I've got in touch with Clickbank, just to be sure I have everything set up correctly.

No worries, let us know how you get on.

Clickbank support may be willing to talk with you as well to make sure everything is working properly.

Thanks. I've sent them a message to check that I have everything set up right.


I would think that any real clicks and potential conversions wouldn't be missed by Clickbank for sure. I'm wondering if it's possible for bots to click through on links and those are the ones not showing up. Honestly not sure, but I do know that if a person is clicking through, Clickbank definitely won't miss a sale :)

Yes, I think you're right. I bet they filter bot traffic.

That would make the most sense to me, right?

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Why aren't my hops showing up at clickbank?

Why aren't my hops showing up at clickbank?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I use prettylinks for my hoplinks which are scattered throughout my website.

If I click on one of these, it shows up in my dashboard at Clickbank. All good.


Hello Matt,

How are you doing, I hope all is well?

I'm always a bit dubious about how many clicks I'm getting on certain affiliate sites, I'm never quite sure of the accuracy unless it comes from Google analytics.

I can't answer your question directly, however, I believe that this may answer your question. Have a great day.


Hi Roy,

Thanks for this.

I'm too busy with my new job but still trying to add a couple of articles per month to my website.

Really looking forward to the day when I can jack the 9-5 and do this full time.

Hope you are well.


Good morning Matt,

A very happy Sunday to you.

I understand Matt, I do hope that your new job is going well. Hopefully, it will settle down soon and you will have a bit more time to post. Just try and post as much as you can, I'm sure you are.

It really is possible to work online full-time, we only need to read some of the success stories here. I appreciate that people have worked hard to get there, but it is possible. It's my aim too and I'm getting there!

All is well the same thank you, Matt.

Wishing you a great Sunday.


Hi Roy,

Blessed Sunday to you too!

The thing is, I really love writing, so my Saturday nights are spent either writing articles or doing keyword research and content planning.

I'm hoping that over the coming weeks I will be able to establish a rhythm whereby I can generate two articles per week. I should be able to achieve this.

My site traffic has stalled over the last 2 months, which is disappointing, but I gather it's not unusual and rather than worry too much about that, I'll just proactively add as much content as I can.

I hope you achieve your own goals soon.

Speak soon


Thank you, Matt!

That's great that you love writing and have set time aside, a perfect plan! That would be great if you could get to 2 articles per week. The more, the better!

I don't know if we will ever quite understand how Google works and maybe it's just as well we don't know exactly! I have websites where the traffic goes up and down all the time, I have no idea why! I believe it's something that we almost have to ignore. Yes, that's a great move, to proactively add content as and when you can.

I often think of a website as being like a shop window. I'm not an expert on shop windows as I don't do retail therapy! However, I believe that stores are continually changing what they have in the window. I believe that this should be the same with our website, we are continually changing the window by adding content.

I'm really pleased that you are being persistent with your online walk, it does take time. We also know that all things are possible for those who believe!

Have a great day.


The clicks shown at Pretty Links don't show you what someone does when they get to the Clickbank link.

They are just letting you know that the pretty link was clicked and therefore someone was taken to your Clickbank link.

Thanks Richard. As I understand it, every click on the link should be shown as a hop within clickbank. Hops aren't sales, just link-clicks.

Hi Matt
I understand your point and at the risk of overkill (sorry)...
Pretty Links records when someone clicks the Pretty Link...
When someone clicks the Pretty Link they get taken to the "Target URL" which they then choose to click, or not...
Pretty Links doesn't know if someone clicks the "Target URL", or not.

For example, I have a few people click a Pretty Links link that leads to the WA signup form. When they get to the signup form many don't go any further.

To see the difference I have to look at the Pretty Links stats and then separately to the WA stats.

Thanks for taking the time to explain Richard, I really appreciate that.

I was under the impression that the Hop is registered when somebody arrives at the target URL and isn't dependent on them then clicking somewhere on the target URL page.

Either way, it's not something I need to be overly concerned about just yet as my traffic levels are so low as to be meaningless.

Thanks again and have a great day.

You're very welcome, Matt!

Your clickbank dashboard is the one to go for vs any plugins you use on your website.

For an inquiry and follow up, I would check with their docs and support going forward.

Hope you get it figured out.

Thanks! Yes, I've got in touch with Clickbank, just to be sure I have everything set up correctly.

No worries, let us know how you get on.

Clickbank support may be willing to talk with you as well to make sure everything is working properly.

Thanks. I've sent them a message to check that I have everything set up right.


I would think that any real clicks and potential conversions wouldn't be missed by Clickbank for sure. I'm wondering if it's possible for bots to click through on links and those are the ones not showing up. Honestly not sure, but I do know that if a person is clicking through, Clickbank definitely won't miss a sale :)

Yes, I think you're right. I bet they filter bot traffic.

That would make the most sense to me, right?

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