Reach For The Stars - Day 25


30 Days To Crush Email Marketing!

Day 25

Reach For The Stars

Hello and welcome to Day 25 of my 30 Day Email Marketing Challenge. Once again I am forced to write this post under pressure due to the deadline of Midnight looming in order to keep this challenge legitimate..1 post per day for 30 days.

It has been another busy day when life just throws you one curve ball after another and all your best laid plans go to sh... you know what I'm talking about!

After the day I've had it's quite apt that I wanted to change tact in today's post. We’ve been talking a lot about email marketing and ourselves as individuals and as business owners throughout this challenge so far.

This evening I want to turn that on it's head and put the emphasis back on our subscribers and what we need to do to ensure that what we're offering them is in fact the best fit for them. This is all about serving our customers and prospects better.

You may be asking, why is this important?

And my simple answer is, when we serve our customers to help them reach their dreams and goals, they will become happy customers who are ready to buy from us again and again :)

They will also broadcast to the world how good we are and there really isn't any better advert for our business than a word of mouth referral or a public testimonial.

The goal then is to help your readers reach their goals and make their dreams come true. Easy hey!

So how can we make this happen? I bet I know what you're thinking right now..."If I can't make my own dreams come true, how on earth am I going to help someone else achieve their's"

Prepare yourself for a revelation..hold onto your hats!...

Perhaps the secret to your own success is your ability to help make other people's dreams come true! Good ahh!

So how are we going to do are we going to make this happen?

Firstly we need to know our target audience, I mean really know them. We need to know what connects them together as a group and what draws them to us!

We need to figure out what the common denominator is that makes them sign up for our list.

Secondly, we need to find out the goals they want to achieve. What are their dreams and what road will they need to follow to make their dreams come true?

We have to really want to make this happen. We have to get serious about doing our research and that means talking to our subscribers, asking them questions and actively listening to what they are telling us.

Once you have connected with your audience and have built that all important's time to get to work on creating some magic!

The first step is always going to be the hardest...we all know from personal experience, it takes a change in state / mindfulness to move a person from just thinking about doing something to actually doing it for real. It's our job to seek out and furnish our prospects with the tips and tools that will help them make that happen.

Putting all of newly acquired marketing skills into action gives us the power to help instigate/initiate the necessary push for a person to TAKE MASSIVE ACTION.

Along the way we may feel it necessary to help our members directly through group coaching or even one-on-one mentoring. Both of those will likely be paid programs...and another healthy revenue stream for us and our businesses.

Along the way we'll be perpetually looking to either create products that are a good fit for our audience, or find them and recommend them as an affiliate.

And that’s how we're going to build a successful business that'll serve us and our customers for years to come :)

It's 11.30 I think that's a good place to leave things for another day.

Please remember to click like if you've enjoyed this post and I also welcome any feedback.

Tomorrow we're getting down and dirty...I would even go as far as to say we're getting brutal..make sure you look out for tomorrow's post!

I will leave you with my thought of the day...

Serve your customer and the rest will happen...

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Shinning A Light On The Flaws

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Totally agree. People buy when they're convinced. The school we set up in the Islands very quickly became popular. We didn't advertise. The word spread because of the results.

I bet that felt very satisfying. Our own online niche's work just like little communities on the web where we hang out together :)

It did!!! But I still can't see me doing it online - it seems unobtainable . . .

In a couple of months time...we'll revisit that thought. What may seem unobtainable right now will seem so easy in a few months time. Honest :)

Thank you. Ok. Will trust :)

A customer if followed up well can become a repeat customer and that is what I love!!!


Hi Paul, I think we all love our repeat customers :)



Do Not forget the follow up after the sale - without another sales pitch.... Just a wee thought.

Hi Bill, absolutely..good point. :)

So many affiliates try and milk there new customers that they lose them

Yes, I agree. That is one of the main messages I have tried to impart during this challenge. Treat your subscribers as individuals..not as numbers on a list with a dollar sign beside their name.

I prefer to reach for the moon, so if I fail I will fall in the stars.
N with a smile

Anne, that is so cute. Hope you have a star filled day :)

Yes, there are so many stars in this precious WA place !

Hi Anthony, a most interesting post. Irv.

Thanks Irv :)

love your enthusiasm and dedication

Thank you Lorrie,that's very kind of you to say :)

Not quite there yet but the stars are coming!

Thanks Michael, twinkle twinkle :)

I completely agree. This is so true in every area of life. “Do unto others....,,,

Hi Jim, so true. Thank you.

"If you help enough people get what they want, you'll get what you want." ~ attributed to Zig Ziglar

Hi Bob, no truer philosophy exists within the business world. Thanks for stopping by :)

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