AI - Friend or Foe?

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Good afternoon all.

I hope the day is going well for everyone and you're experiencing a happy and productive day so far. If not, don't feel bad, stop what you're doing and check out the picture below!

If that ain't got you smiling, perhaps you need a lay down and a quick nap.

Well what's on my mind today?

Lately I've been doing a deep dive into AI (Artificial Intelligence). Up until very recently I had kind of dismissed the AI scene , in fact I have viewed it extremely negatively given the fact that it threatens to put a lot of people out of work in so many industries over the coming months and years.

Also, up until about a 18 months ago, the chatGPT tool in my humble opinion was not that great, especially in relation to our industry, that is creating integral, quality, accurate, well researched copy content.

But, with every new release and upgrade, inclusive of the latest GPT 4o which was unveiled earlier this month 13th May, even the most reticent among us can no longer afford to bury our heads in the sand hoping that this technology will some how not affect us and pass us by, as to do so will put us at a major disadvantage.

It's plain to see that the digital age has transformed the way we consume information. We are bombarded with content across countless platforms, demanding a level of quality, engagement, and relevance that's constantly evolving.

Because most of us within this community deal in content marketing, staying ahead of the curve and captivating our target audiences requires more than ever a strategic approach.

Traditionally, content marketing success relied heavily on intuition, experience, and a fair amount of elbow grease, as all of us here within this community can in deed testify.

But what if there was a way to streamline processes, unlock a treasure trove of valuable data, and generate content that resonates deeply with our audiences? This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) steps onto the content marketing stage.

What I've finally come to realise is that AI isn't here to replace our creativity or strategic vision – it's here to become a powerful ally, an extension of our own marketing efforts.

I say "Bring it on" 😉

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Recent Comments


Al when used correctly as an "assistant" in all we do online Anthony can most definitely be a powerful friend!!

But if we abuse it and become lazy... then it can only be a foe!!

It's up to us how we wish to use it going forward as it's here to stay my friend! :-)

Hi Nick, indeed you are correct. Very soon at least 80% of all content will be produced via AI...the main benefit to a writer will be the efficiency saving in time and I see nothing wrong with that but it will most definitely put a lot of professional content writers out of a job. It's an interesting space and a pivotal point in history, so lets see where it takes us. Thanks for your comments. Best Regards, Tony

I can't disagree with you here Tony, let's just wait and see how things unfold my friend! :-)

Most definitely a fascinating point in history, to be continued 😃 Have a great evening

To be continued indeed my friend!


Good morning Anthony,

Thank you for your interesting blog post, I must admit I had similar thoughts to what you had.

It was really the Wealthy Affiliate training that helped me see the light and to use AI as a helper rather than something that takes over! Unfortunately, I see many people using AI as a writer and it's so blatantly obvious!

I have a Google alert set for Wealthy Affiliate review, and members are just writing a load of AI drivel. All the posts are very similar! I'm afraid that principle won't work, but using AI as a helper will definitely save us time and effort!

I have also noticed an improvement in the latest ChatGPT 4o version; it looks like things are changing quickly.

Wishing you all the best.


Good morning Ray...or actually its good afternoon now for us here in the UK. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and for commenting. Yes, I know exactly what you mean....and the trouble is that with the latest offering in ChatGPT 4o - the content output is getting so much better as to soon be undetectable between human and AI. Also this can be improved apon even now using carefully applied prompts. The exponential advancement is gathering lightning speed and I think the majority of the population are going to be run over by this freight train baring down on us all very soon. I suppose, lets watch this space 🙄 Thanks again and hopefully catch up with you again soon. All the best, Tony

Good morning Tony,

It's a pleasure, Tony; it's good to communicate with other members on the platform. Incidentally, the picture of the dog on the laptop, I sent the photo to my wife, he is almost identical to our dog! It could actually be him!

I haven't tried the latest version of ChatGPT for content writing, Tony, but it's interesting how it's improving so rapidly. We still need to be careful how you use ChatGPT, as the posts that I'm seeing written by Wealthy Affiliate members are almost duplicate content and AI drivel. Let's see what happens.

Have a fantastic day.


That's a very cute dog 😊 There is certainly a lot of post which are same same and that's definitely a problem, as I don't think they realise how much damage they can do to their sites if adding that kind of content as google is picking up on it and it won't rank. Buckle in for the ride...that's what I say! Have a great day Roy.

It certainly is, Tony!

I find it unbelievable, Tony, so many posts starting with things like, "Let's delve into"! And the second paragraph reads, "About the founders of Wealthy Affiliate"! Sadly, the majority of members work who are promoting Wealthy Affiliate will all be in vain!

Yes, I hear you, let's see what happens.

A very happy Friday to you, Tony.


I sort of agree with your last statement. If AI is used properly, it can enhance our creativity and productivity. If not used properly, it seems to me that we can become lazy and even deceptive. I guess like everything else... its up to the individual to use it properly.

Hi Jim, yep I whole heartedly agree. I think as marketers, especially within this community we endeavour to write quality content with integrity, that is accurate, that is honest and provides value. So probably more than ever we need to be on guard to ensure we keep these attributes in check at a time when producing copy will become more efficient and easy. Thanks for your comments and I look forward to exploring this fascinating and complex subject with you further in future discussions. All the best, Tony

I am still kicking and screaming.....sort of. I am liking the article creator in the hubs...I have about 20 articles I need to "Make my own" now. And I am going to dive into AI image creations. I do kind of fear its potential though.

Hi Chuck, it's good to hear your views on this important subject. When I mention the reluctance to embrace AI in this post, I'm referring directly to AI in terms of producing content in coemption to what we do as marketers. AI in the broader sense is a whole different matter and I could talk for days why we should fear what the future may have in store for us...perhaps we'll leave that for another time and another blog. But you definitely hit the nail on the head...I think that AI will go on to be responsible for the majority of all content that will be produced in the not to distant future...but we will be left to make it our own to touch it with our own personalities...because at the end of the day, even though the content might be non distinguishable than content produced by a humans we will still prefer that our content is exchanged between 2 human beings rather than a machine to a human. Do you not agree? I look forward to discussing this further with you in future blogs. Take care buddy

This post is a great analogy. I was like you and entered the AI sphere, kicking and screaming. I considered AI an evil entity, Maybe too much sci-fi, but again, a legitimate concern. I finally realized that, like anything else, AI is as evil as the person wielding it. I've thoroughly enjoyed working with AI and discovered that it is a fantastic partner. It's not replacing my creativity but is helping to enhance it. AI is what you put into it


Hi Nancy, I was thinking exactly along the same lines as you. I'm actually heavily involved in the tech side of the internet but held a kind of grudge that the Ai side of things were impinging into territory too close to my livelihood. I've gone the other way completely now and it totally excites me on what the next few months and years ahead will bring in terms of advancements. Hope you are well and are having a great day and thanks for taking the time to view my post. All the best, Tony

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