Here's The Checklist I Follow When Creating My Blog Posts

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In my previous post I explained about the success I have had by following things I have learned here are Wealthy Affiliate.

Over the years I have accumulated a "Checklist" that follows key things one should do when creating a new article for their website.

Some of these are covered in the WA training, and some are covered in lessons others here have graciously shared.

I currently operate over 100 websites, 56 are active and generating income, the rest are "works in progress".

When I create a new website, I have a few "must have" plugins that I always install, and one of them is "PublishPress Checklists"

This plugin let's you create a "checklist" that you can refer to whenever you are creating a new post.

I use it to help me remember pertinent things that I want to include in EVERY article that I post.

The plugin is very easy to use, so I won't bore you with information on how to set it up. Simply install, and fill in the blanks.

Here's the checklist that I follow for all of my websites, thus far this has proven to be super successful when it concerns' google ranking my articles very well.

Especially when following the "low hanging fruit" lessons taught here. I have found over the years that I need not worry when google makes changes, simply because, low hanging fruit keywords, followed by these sound practices, has shown that my sites continue to rank well regardless.

  • Minimum of 700 words in content *
  • Minimum of 5 tags *
  • Minimum of 1 internal link in content *
  • Minimum of 1 external link in content *
  • All images have Alt text *
  • Featured image is added *
  • Colored Answer Snippet *
  • Expand On The Answer Snippet *
  • Comments Requested *
  • User Interaction *
  • URL Submitted To Google Search Console
  • Videos Added
  • Images Added

If one were to follow these key steps, and of course find some great low hanging fruit keywords, then they will NEVER be disappointed with their results.

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Recent Comments


Wow....100 websites? Where are you hosted?

And that sounds like a cool plugin...


Absolutely love it Maria! But... 56 active websites??

That is seriously impressive my friend!!

All the very best moving forward with all of your endeavours!! :-)

Good list, Maria!

Don't forget to add your category :) unless that's what you mean by tags.

I love this. Now you don't need an SEO plugin, J/K

This is excellent and this would be great to share with the people that come in to WA through you 😉

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