Tank Niche: The Mission (Impossible?) Part I

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Since I asked the WA community about this I decided to document the building of my website and possibly monetising it eventually and showing you - who are intrigued - every main steps following the Wealthy Affiliate Hub instructions.So I created the new hub.

In the niche search I typed in tanks. Nothing else. That's it. Then a list of niche suggestions came up. I liked the very first one: Tank Enthusiast Blog: Share Historical Facts, Model Reviews, And Current News About Tanks.

So I selected that.

Then the name of the "business". Truly I didn't like any of the ones the AI listed for me. I wanted something more unique, more me, but as I researched every options the hub offered, they already existed in a form of popular youtube channel, reddit, etc.

So I just created my own: Tank Magus.

The domain also was available: tankmagus.com.

I am not much of theme junky. I like what Automattic create every year, because those are most likely bug free, they dont harrass me to upgrade to pro or install a loads of plugins. Automattic - the creator and owner of WordPress.com, Woo, Jetpack, WordPress VIP, Simplenote, Longreads, The Atavist, WPScan, Akismet, Gravatar, Crowdsignal, Cloudup, Tumblr, Day One, Pocket Casts, Newspack, Beeper - , know their stuff and they are usually less resource needy. So twenty-twentyfour is the name of the theme I chose. Looks basic but gets the job done.

Besides, I rather focus on content, than look.

So the website is up and running. I have removed all the preinstalled plugins except Kraken, and will install the ones I use for all my websites. That will be for the next part.

Questions, comments? Have at it.

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Recent Comments


That's how to lay down the basic foundations for a new site Andy!

All the very best moving forward my friend! :-)

Thanks a lot. Cheers!

Cheers buddy and all the very moving forward!


This sounds cool! 👌 I'm a bit of a tank lover myself.

Great! Cheers!

Excellent start, Andy! 😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks Frank :)

You’re welcome, Andy. 😎

Sounds Great, Andy!


Cheers JD :)


Cool, Andy! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Thank you! Cheers!

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