Missing features for the WA AI writer

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Here are a few suggestions to make the AI Writer here on WA much more useful:

  1. Allow the completed post to be sent as draft or schedule it, or both. Right now it only allows us to publish it.
  2. Enable/fix the picture option for featured images and inserts as well. Right now search doesn't result anything. Perhaps AI picture generation for the subject of the article?
  3. Add some more customisation abilities, perhaps adding/modifying prompts.
  4. AI's ability to add tables, lists, FAQ to the content.
  5. Adding the ability to search before generating, can help to get more up-to-date and accurate content.
  6. Adding a plagiarism checking feature.
  7. Adding a competition scraping feature.

That's it for now, but I might add more later as it comes up.


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Hey Andy,

All good ideas. We are working on these and more. I just wanted to respond to each of these items one by one and let us know what our thoughts are behind this.

(1) Allow the completed post to be sent as draft or schedule it, or both. Right now it only allows us to publish it.

Yes, we want to allow schedule, or post as draft. Both good ideas, and as people are able to achieve "closer to ready" content to publish, and do so faster...there is going to be more and more of a need to schedule posts. What if you could create a content schedule for a month, in a few days work for your website? That is where we want to get to.

On the draft side, we want to create an environment so there isn't any required work after the publish (so it can all be done within SiteContent). But a draft feature is a good idea as well.

(2) Enable/fix the picture option for featured images and inserts as well. Right now search doesn't result anything. Perhaps AI picture generation for the subject of the article?

Yes, we are working on that. And we also want to be able to integrate featured images, so that is not a task after the fact. And we are also working on AI image generation. We are currently operating within a functional testing environment and are working on polishing the designs and flows. Lots of moving pieces to nail that.

(3) Add some more customisation abilities, perhaps adding/modifying prompts.

What sort of customization would you be after?

(4) AI's ability to add tables, lists, FAQ to the content.

Yes. We are working on much more complex "structure" within articles.

(5) Adding the ability to search before generating, can help to get more up-to-date and accurate content.

That is a scraping feature. We could add that, that also a task we teach and can currently be done, but we have to be careful about providing or "taking" content through scraping and presenting it as something we are providing. I think you can understand the liability concerns there. This research can easily be done now and added to the optional content.

(6) Adding a plagiarism checking feature.

All content is 100% unique that is generated through our Designer/Author platform. We also check content on publish through SiteContent for plagiarism. So I believe this is already taken care of.

Naturally if you copy content on your own from somewhere, that is plagiarism. So that is something that you are privy of if you are doing that in the first place.

(7) Adding a competition scraping feature.

Again, this can be easily done, we just have to be a little careful about how something of this nature would be implemented.


I hope this offers further perspective of where we are at with these items. We are working on other aspects of the Author platform outside of this as well. ;)

"What sort of customization would you be after?"

Either preset or prompt for the articles, like a selection of mood or style or both. Something like on the screenshots I attached.

Hi Andy you have some great and important ideas for WA to add.

I especially like the one to send it in draft mode first on the website rather than directly as a published post. I was thinking about this the other day which wasn't ready to publish but had to send it back in draft mode and when ready then publish.

Thank you. And yes. The AI article generated with WA is far from ready to be published. Many things have to be done on the WordPress side.

Most welcome Andy.

Yes the AI assisted platform is great and I know they will be doing more but agree regardless of how great it is to have it available to us none is fully ready to be published directly on our sites.

I know some may say but get the article published and indexed then you can change it later however it would be better off to get it ready properly first hence to have it in draft mode.

I am sure Kyle and the team are working on many upgrades to the new platform.

Roger that.

Sounds good, Andy.


Cheers, JD :)


Pretty good suggestions, Andy.


Thank you. I'll add more soon.

No problem, Andy!

Maxine :)

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