Do I have the ability to build a successful website? Sharing thoughts and feelings!

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Greetings my friends! I am back here blogging after I got to a point where I feel stucked and overwhelmed!

Why is that? Well..2 weeks and 2 days have passed since I became a member on this platform, trying to spend at least 4 hours daily learning and discovering new things.

First I doing enough?

Will not being a native English speaker affect me? Will this mean I will have to work twice as hard to get to be successful with my goals?!

Maybe I am not the only one who has this questions, who is not so confident in his ability to understand how marketing works , and staring at some words wondering what the .. does this mean ? :) And then reading the article again and again just to find yourself blaming for wasting time and not making any progress ooppsy :)

The thing is, I've been learning English at school since kindergarden, but clearly some of the wording is beyond me, so I'm constantly tied to using a translation program...and guess what?

On top of that I have opened I don't know how many tabs with different extensions, I don't even know what I downloaded and what accounts I opened haha different programs to help me create content...and daily wondering what to read first, whose blog can help me more, so many informations...To me some of them seem to be written in Chinese :)

Going through the training lesson by lesson I got to the point where I thought "Yesss, I'm starting to understand how this whole thing works'".. but it doesn't last long and I get stuck again, from a question asked on the group about how/when I should start recommending products/services I end up with some very complex articles and please don' t get me wrong I don't dispute the very helpfulness of the well known Partha, who changes my "battle plan" again and I find myself in the position where I wonder if the 5 damn articles written on my website have any importance...

Am I Going in the Right Direction?

So I end up asking myself what have I understood so far?? Going through the lessons on the WA platform I am advised to insist on informational articles, after I reach the number of 15/20 then I can think about adding products / services / videos and what else I can add to have a higher ranking. ..and by the way I'm clear with what it means to use Quota/ Reddit after reading Partha's article "100.000. + Keywords" but then accessing his next article " ( Revealed) The secret to Google nr 1 ranking" I was left wondering what meaning could have featured snippet?

I don't want to be misunderstood, Partha is a genius, it's only natural that I have to figure out for myself what one or the other's just that his articles have left me with many questions...and I m sure he is not the only one who writes really mind blowing ones, but I didn ' t get to those yet :)

Am I able to create a rank 1 article following his steps? or do they all exceed me?

According to his advice I should "Read that article, see how it's structured, what subheadings are they using, what types of images, any videos, any infographics, etc.". and then write better and in more detail...this makes me laugh because accessing articles with ranking 1 I look at them like a cat looks at a calendar LOL.

Right now I don't feel like I have the knowledge to create a high ranking article, after all I only have 2 weeks and a lot of new information to assimilate, but I guess that's part of the learning process and I'm not the only one who encounters the same struggles as mine.
At the moment I'm more scared of what to write in the content, how to mirror an original article, than finding keywords that will rank, this is where my brain short circuits LOL.

But I will stop whining and get down to business, it only took me about 2 hours to write all these, so I still have time for research, discoveries and overcoming situations and problems, what else, a normal day for me here on the WA platform LOL.

I wish you a beautiful and productive Saturday!

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You have just written exactly how you are feeling! And that is fantastic! I see no flaws in that! Your English is very good! Your grammar is great! You are doing very well! You will achieve what you wanted to do. You are outstanding! Keep on doing what you are doing right now. It gets easier as you write more!

Don’t get so pressured! Your writing is awesome!

Thank you for the very supporting and inspiring feedback! Will do that,all the best to you!

Alway my pleasure! That’s how the Wealthy Affiliate community works!

🍁 Maria

This blog you have written right here in WA speaks for you. I can see how rich you are through everything you said. If this is the way you feel and you express yourself, you are amazing.

Just do not give up!

Thank you, very grateful for your suport and message🙏

You can also write your posts like you are talking to a friend over coffee. Be natural when you write, but also be relevant to the subject that you are writing about, Lucia!

You will do quite well when you do this!


Thank you, i m grateful for your suport!

You're very welcome, Lucia! You've GOT this!


Hey Lucia,

In answer to the question posed in your title:

YES!! You do have the ability to build a successful website.

And do you know why I say this?

Look at what you have written here in this blog post.

It was engaging, heartfelt, provoked emotion in me, and I'm sure in others too.


Secondly, you've only been here 2 weeks, and yet you have probably done more, in terms of learning and getting on with it, than many do in their first month, or even two months.

For me, that's all you need.

And you have this.

The ability to write well and the motivation to learn and improve yourself.

Another way to look at it:

The very first time you stood on roller skates, could you skate perfectly?

Nope, you feel on your backside.

Were you able to skate perfectly after a week, a month, or even a year?


The first time you cooked a meal was it perfect?

Nope, you burnt it, it tasted horrible.

However, the more you cooked that meal, the better you became.

Was Michael Jordan born as the greatest basketball player? (btw, Michael was DROPPED from his high school basketball team, basically his coach felt he wasn't good enough. What did Michael do? He spent all day, everyday, trying to improve himself).

Did Lionel Messi come into this world juggling a football on his left foot?

Was Albert Einstein born a genius?

No, No, and Nope!!

In truth, I don't personally believe there is actually something like "natural born talent".

We are ALL born in the same way, with the same abilities, but rather it comes down to how much effort we put into improving ourselves.

Tiger Woods was given his first golf clubs at 7 months old, so in effect, he was swinging a golf club before he could walk.

By the time Tiger became known as a child prodigy at age 17, he had actually been practicing this skill for over 16 years.

Are you starting to get it?

Everyone has the ability to be successful at ANYTHING.

The difference between people is that some are OBSESSED with learning a skill and improving themselves.

Others KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEY NEED TO DO, but DON'T have the mental strength to apply the skills to improve themselves.

An example:

Why do people look up "How to Lose Weight?"

We ALL know that if you eat less and move more you'll lose weight.

And I mean that, WE ALL KNOW THIS.

However, the reason people spend hours Googling information on this subject is because THEY CAN'T BE BOTHERED TO PUT IN THE HARD WORK & ARE LOOKING FOR AN EASIER WAY <---THIS is how many people approach affiliate marketing.

You personally Lucia have the skills, and the ability to improve those skills.

This blog post and what you have achieved in the past two weeks shows me that you DO HAVE THE ABILITY.

Trust me, WE ALL DOUBT OUR OWN ABILITIES from time-to-time.

The successful people in life are those who choose to do something to improve their lives EVERY SINGLE DAY.


Wow again, you knocked me down and you are awesome, I don' t know from where you are getting those ideas and the fluency that you have, you make everything seem so easy, but for sure you gave me more confidence in what I am writing and you are right I can do this! We all can! Thank you for taking time to answer, feeling grateful!

GOATfully great insights, thank you.

We can understand how you feel. That was us too when we first started. There is so much to learn and we wanted to know it all right away and have it all fit into place, but we learned we had to go at our pace and understanding.

There are so many good things to learn from and action to take. You are just beginning your journey so it is not possible to process all of the complex details.

Stay with the Online Entrepreneur training and the tasks. By doing that you will understand the foundational training and have acted upon it. After that you can then expand your understanding and be ready to understand more details. Start simple and small.

You most definitely know how to write and communicate. Your post here shows that. So use that as an asset when you write posts for your niche. We look back on some of our original posts and shake our heads, but that is what we knew at that point. We just go and update them and move on.

You do have what it takes to succeed!

Thank you for your answer, you reminded me to be patient and trust the process and myself. Mostly appreciated!

Glad this was helpful. Yes! you most definitely can trust and process and yourself. You have what it takes.

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