Anything is possible

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This is going to be short and sweet. I’m not sure if there is a better way but this is just a share.

My post prior to this was a bit of a rant.

Feeling a bit over-whelmed. Almost to the point of giving up.

Information over-load can be a bit much and we must know ourselves enough to work through the struggle.

For those who may be brand new or unsure about investing or upgrading within this platform. I am here to say; for me personally I would suggest you do.

I have to admit, while it’s loaded all kinds of valuable topics and information. The community and the people are awesome as well. They’re so encouraging. It’s so great to have others who have been where you are now help offer a different perspective, help you come up with ideas you would’ve never thought of.

I’m so grateful. For me this was the best thing I could’ve done. It’s very much well worth it.

So, thank you to all who offered me some advice. Everyone who took the time to make suggestions. It’s all greatly appreciated.

So, my suggestion is to focus on the step by step training because it all eventually comes together. I’m brand new and my website is the first to pull up when I just type in the name without the .com!

As silly as it sounds. I was surprised but I was really excited. The steps work. If I can do it…anyone can do it.

Just don’t get discouraged and don’t give up!

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Congratulations, Vanessa. It sounds like you are on your way to figuring things out and brining your success within easy reach.


thanks, Vannessa, for sharing insightful information.

Excellent, Vanessa. I trip up every day. I believe Kyle referred to it as 'failing to success.' Get up, not give up, I say.


Thanks for sharing Vanessa!


You are most welcome, Vanessa! I appreciate your blog post.

I appreciate you! Thank again.

No probs, have a perfect weekend :)

Excellent post Vanessa, and you are so right! We all go through periods of self-doubt and wondering "Will this really work?". It's natural. I look at it from the perspective of, if you ONLY used WA for hosting your website and the AI tools available, it's well worth the investment. But then throw in all the training and the INCREDIBLE social & community support aspects.... Well, then it becomes the best thing since sliced bread! 😊

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