Selfish Selling VS Selfless Selling

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Integrity Based Human Influence!

The words "sell, sales and selling" may be the most misunderstood in the English language.

We see selling as a necessary evil, something to be avoided at all costs, an undertaking that's rather unsavory, maybe even unethical, and certainly beneath the dignity of a professional service business owner.

Over the years I've asked this question of thousands of people: "When you think of selling, what is it that the sterotypical salesperson sells?" The answer is always the same: "Used Cars!"

We equate selling with selling used cars. And because we see it that way, the negative associations are very strong.

There are two types of sales: Selfish Selling and Selfless Selling.

We tend to put most selling into the Selfish Selling category.

Selfish Selling includes these attributes:

The focus is primarily on making the sale, not serving the customer; the attitude is primarily self-serving; the agenda is some level of deception, and the perspective is that of "win-lose."

If we think that this is what selling is about, of course we wouldn't want to associate ourselves with that activity.

Selfless Selling includes these attributes:

The focus is primarily on serving the customer; the attitude is one of generosity; the agenda is to educate and inform, and the perspective is that of "win-win."

When we encounter a sales person with this perspective, we don't even think it's selling. It feels more like natural communication. The experience is of being educated and assisted in making the right decision. There is no pressure, only possibility.

Well, Selfless Selling is REAL selling. And Selfish Selling is just a kind of manipulation. It has nothing to do with real selling.

When you see this, selling becomes more approachable, more interesting, more fun, more fulfilling and also more successful.

When you are doing Selfless Selling, you are serving the prospect, working with them to discover their aspirations and dreams, uncovering challenges and offering powerful solutions.

To discover the spirit of Selfless Selling inside you, here are some questions to ask yourself in any selling situation:

How can I be of service?
• What do I need to know to help this person?
• What is their current situation and what is their biggest challenge?
• What information would be most valuable to provide?
• What stories would be most useful to share?
• How can I be clearer and demonstrate the value and the benefits?
• How can I make the choice easier?

When you discover this spirit or mindset of Selfless Selling you don't have to worry so much about sales and closing techniques, you make such a powerful connection with the buyer that the sale happens so naturally that it doesn't feel like selling.

Bottom Line:

    Real selling is Selfless Selling. It isn't about manipulation and it certainly isn't about techniques. It's about connecting authentically with another human being and discovering how you can work together creatively.

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    Recent Comments


    Integrity, honesty without pretense integrates me and you together. If I use your eyes to see a problem you are having, and I look from your needs, your perspective, I feel your pain and will come up with a silver platter of choices, where you are free to choose the best one for your needs, your situation.
    By the way, I also want to hear if that choice helped you and how did it help you? Is there anything else to which I could be of service to you, or you would like to know about?

    And thanks my friend LorenZ for sharing this, we all hate to be manipulated into a sale. It just feels dirty somehow, more like a victim of a bad experience, where you end up with buyer's remorse!
    .Rather than ending up with buyers rejoice and be happy with My Choice!

    Yes! Integrity is everything. Selfless selling is the way to go!

    Very well said, the goal should be to help customers solve their problems first.

    Amen! Customer is always first!

    Thank you, Lorenz. Great information to have in my files when I get to the "selling" stage of this.

    Yes Archie. Pelase reach out if you ever need any advice or help with "Selling"! Thank you.

    Yes I will. Thanks, Lorenz.

    A great and true post that many should read. In my hometown there are lots of time share salespeople and the majority use aggressive and manipulative sales techniques. I never liked it. Selfless selling is the way to go.

    I agree with you! Thank you!

    Selfless selling will get better returns in the long run, great post.

    Right!!!! Thank you Stephen.

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