My First Blog finally, Hurray!


Hi everyone,

I've been meaning to blog for a while now, but so much to do, and so little time, you know how it goes.

A Bit About Me

I currently work in the corporate world, which I guess I need to refer to as my "real" job (since it's the only one bringing in an income right now). But, if I'm being honest, I've become a little bored and restless with it......eek, is this that midlife crisis thing!? So here I am at WA, having a blast learning and creating (and hopefully someday making a profit).

My Website

I started with WA on October 1st (exactly 43 days ago), and started my website as soon as I had a few lessons under my belt. I write posts, and learn from the WA community, inbetween working that "real" job that I mentioned (above). So far I have 8 posts, 7 pages, and 40 approved comments. I wish I had more time! But I certainly have no plans on quitting, so in time it will grow to something substantial. The quicker I get through the courses here at WA, the more time I'll have to write! I find so much time has been taken just trying to devise a plan, and figure things out.....but that's not time wasted!

Google Analytics

I'm trying really, really hard to apply the same concept to my Google Analytics account that I do to my stock investments portfolio........just don't look! I mean, it's good to look occasionally, just not all the time, to the point of making yourself anxious, and crazy (which I sometimes do).

My Biggest Downfall

I tend to get 100 ideas in my head of things that need to be done RIGHT NOW. And, for obvious reasons, I can't complete that many things all at once. So I start to do a little of this, and a little of that, and a little of the other thing, until I finally realize that I'm not being productive at all! I have to stop and remind myself to work on one thing at a time in order to bring things through to completion. Acknowledgment of the problem is the first step! So at least I've got that going for me, and I am getting better. It would be nice if WA had a board of click and drag post it notes that could be created on your own personal productivity board (that would help me anyway).

Thankful for the WA Community, and Kyle & Carson!

I'm having a great time! I've learned a ton and so enjoy the fact that there is a community to back me up should I get stuck! Thanks to all of you who have helped me out (some of you without even knowing, through your blogs/trainings/questions), and hopefully I can do the same for some of you in return.

See you 'round the community!


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Recent Comments


If your're not ready for the formal commitment of a "To Do" Spreadsheet, here's a digital version of old fashioned Post Its if you have at least Windows 7. It's called "Sticky Notes".

Click on the MS Start icon in the lower left of your screen and type Sticky Notes in the search window at the bottom. Your first digital Sticky will pop up in the right hand corner of what ever screen you have open. There will be prompts to follow.

Of course you can google 'sticky notes' and you get a list of detailed blogs on how to use MS Sticky Notes, such as:

I use the WA Rapid Writer (Tools side bar on the left) to quickly document a content idea. Then I go back and work on these ideas when the creative juices are flowing.

Ah, I do know about sticky notes, although I had forgotten about them! Thanks for the reminder. I have made some progress towards organizing myself so at least I’m headed in the right direction. I actually have not used WA Rapid Writer so maybe I should try that as well.

Very nice piece. There never seems to be enough time. Of course I am always of the believe that when the mind is churning, it's shifting to present one great idea after another. So keep the mind churning. Best to you and your endeavors.

If each day was 100 hours long maybe I'd be ok. :)

Hi Carol ! So I'm not the only one wishing for 100 hour days ?

Ha ! Carol backwards ! Lol !

Nice piece Carol. Your profile picture says Lorac (not Carol) why is that. I too have a million ideas for my website. Then I run into a problem that I just can't figure out with my website and the frustration begins. I am sure that I would quit without the assistance of WA. It can be so frustrating to me. DAN

Hi Dan,

I hear ya, doing this without a support system would be rough! I almost threw my laptop out the window the other day when I couldn't get my social icon buttons to work properly on my site, haha (actually I'm a pretty calm person).

When I signed up at WA "Carol" was already taken as a profile name so I wasn't allowed to use it. When my kids were small we used to call each other by our backwards names for fun, so yes, maybe crazy, but I flipped my name backwards when I signed up (that name wasn't taken). Had I known I'd get so involved in a community here I may have thought of something else! Now surely your name isn't gooddogpoky2? (lol, just kidding)


Great blog Carol.

Perhaps a to-do list can bring some order?

Hi Loes,

I DEFINITELY need a to-do list. I'm going to get started on a "new and improved" organizational plan first thing tomorrow morning!

Hi Carol, Nice to see you again! You have the issue that all of us have. How do I work on the 1000 things that I need to do when I only have time for 3 things? You have to find the things that work for you. The problem is that you may have little or no idea of what the things are. Here is what is or has worked for me to give you some ideas.

I have mapped out a master plan for 90 days out. I have dreams that are one and two years out. Some of this is structured out and some is just a group of ideas. I have taken the 90 day plans and mapped out 10 days at a time through day 90. (Some of this is very detailed and some of this is not) I have to alter or adjust plans based on situations that change. A current example is a detailed website that has taken longer to finish due to theme and tech issues.

I do these plans on the computer when I have enough structure that most of it is mapped out. At first, I would jot down ideas and plans on notebooks. (one notebook per website or major project) Keep a notebook for ideas and important information only. Transfer the data to other notebooks or the computer when you get the chance. The idea book is for any thought or idea. Carry a small notebook to put in your pocket or purse so that you have a way to record ideas as they come to you no matter where you are. I also use index cards to structure ebooks or product creation. I have several projects in various stages of completion. The index cards are great because you can rearrange them in different orders as you progress along. (make sure you number each card so you keep track).

For me, once I started doing this I have found that I can work on several different things each day and actually progress forward on all of them because I am more organized and there is structure and trackability for each project and idea set. The final thing that I do is to plan each day with time limits for each project or program. I even use a timer with an alarm to help me not go over the allotted time. (example is 15 minutes today to check on emails; hit the timer and begin; when the alarm goes off, stop and move onto the next program or project).

I hope that this is helpful. Let me know what you think. Dave.

Hi Dave,

Yes, this does help, thank you! My #1 goal is to immediately start an organizational plan. Otherwise, I'm just spinning my wheels, and wasting time.

I do like the idea of carrying a notebook with me for jotting ideas down no matter where I am. I tend to record ideas in my iphone if I come up with something while I'm out, but they can get lost among the other 5,000 notes in my iphone, so a notebook would work better. And you're right about making timelines, I think that's important too. The index cards is something I've actually used before, I think they work particularly well when figuring out a structure that needs to be shifted about.

You definitely seem to have it worked out down to a science....timer and all! I'll get there. I'm determined. I just need to start my list, prioritize, come up with a timeline, and stick to it!

Thank you for the great response!


Carol, The time you spend planning may seem like you are not getting any work done, but that time will be well spent and will pay off many times over down the road. It will take more time in the beginning because it is a new skill but it will be worth it. I actually use a voice recorder now instead of a notebook. I can speak into the recorder and even read something out loud recording it all. I then use a computer program called Dragon Naturally Speaking.

This program hears your voice and translates what you say into the Microsoft Word program typing out the words. It is a smart program so it remembers and evolves getting better and better the more you use it. I now have over 95 percent of my speech typed out with accuracy. For writing it is a huge time savor because it will type at speeds of 100-120 WPM. It is like you are dictating to your secretary. It is perfect for mind mapping ideas or simply rambling thoughts as you are creating in your mind. All you have to do is have the microphone on and speak out loud. Talk to you soon. Dave.

Hi Dave,
Totally agree, planning will only make things go quicker in the long run. Not sure the voice recording thing would work for me though. Mostly because I seem to catch grammatical errors when I'm typing. Just the way my brain works I guess. But my fingers fly pretty fast across the keys!

Thanks for all the great ideas!


You bet. Talk to you soon.

That's cool. Keep it up!

Thanks, I will!

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