Accepted by Google!
Yay!I am so excited right now because my website was indexed by Google! Wow! I have to give myself a pat on my back!!!!!
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Now, next about your site, and things you did to GET accepted!!...write away!!...start, that conversation!!
You, go, Girl!! Day 2...Label your blog...let folks know this is for 7 days...Remember my 21...I sent you to Day 10???...
I know if I can do it, you can too!Glad to be an inspiration to you! It's a lot of hard work especially for me!
Turn, hard to smart!!...Nix..that negative, thought!
Everyday, every way...Better and Better!...Daily
Self/Lisa! Wink!
I love your lifting words and spirit! The thing is I can't afford to pay for this monthly to be able to stay on and learn more!
Stop thinking about can't...!!! Nix!! Miracles, do happen!!
Just do what's, right in front, now!!!Stay out of the future!!
Non of your busineess!!...wink! in the future...Nix!
My sincere congrats Lisa! Over time you will see more success. Regarding tags, if you do everything correctly and still can't publish your post here then contact support.
I was still in my writings when I got accepted which I still am and going back to redo.all has to be unique, meaning not like what someone else has written before.It has to be in your own thoughts and words!As to try and make it interesting to know more about! I would also go and give feedback to get feedback.
Another, thing is to interact with the other affiliates and ask questions when you need to!
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Congrats! That is a first, very important step. You are now officially out of the Google sandbox.