Thoughts about being positive


The hardest part of a journey is in the mind. If you can believe in it, you CAN achieve it.

Do you make positive thinking your way of life?

When you are having a bad time, do you allow yourself to cry. After the tears fade you can then concentrate on all the good things in your life and move on.

When you hit a road block of stones, do you start throwing them? Do you complain about them? Stumble on them? Climb over them? Or do you start to build with them?

Think beautiful thoughts and beautiful things will come to you.

Our thoughts are powerful. What we think and do is what we create.

Be too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.

A Cherokee grandfather told his grandson that there is a battle between two wolves inside each one of us. One is evil; filled with greed, jealousy, resentment, anger, inferiority, lies and ego. He is negative. The other is good; he is filled with joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth. This wolf is positive.

The young boy thought about it and then asked his grandfather which wolf wins. The grandfather replies, “the one you feed”.

You don’t always need a sunny outlook to be positive. What you need is the ability to see problems as opportunities.

Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile, a word of optimism and hope. An “I can do it” when things are tough.

A man or woman is the product of his or her thoughts. What he or she thinks, he or she becomes.

We can’t solve problems by using the same way of thinking that we had when we created them.

You can’t take mediocrity and expect to have victory. You are prophesying your future. You’ve got to think positive.

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

You made a positive decision by joining WA. Keep that positivity going! You’ve got this!

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Recent Comments


Thanks, dear great post

Thanks so much, Mike :)

Thank you. The mind is such a huge force.

The mind can cause amazing things to happen :)

The wolf story is so engaging, such s positive post Lisa thank you.

Thank you, Alexander :)

Love this! Thanks for the great post, Lisa. :)

My pleasure, Mike :)

Great post, LIsa. I especially liked the wolf story! :)

You're welcome, Rick :)

Thanks Lisa !

My pleasure, Steve :)

Hi Lisa, thanks for reminding us all again that our future is in our own hands and what we think of ourselves we became!! I am in WA for last 1 year and I just made my first $0.50 recently but I am not ready to give up and I think I will achieve my dreams no matter how tough the roads are.

Once again thanks for those inspirational quotes. See you around :)

You're very welcome :)

Hi Lisa, thank you for this.

"A Cherokee grandfather told his grandson that there is a battle between two wolves inside each one of us. One is evil; filled with greed, jealousy, resentment, anger, inferiority, lies and ego. He is negative. The other is good; he is filled with joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth. This wolf is positive."

"The young boy thought about it and then asked his grandfather which wolf wins. The grandfather replies, “the one you feed”.

Ironically, I was watching a movie called "Traded" early this morning and the above was used almost word for word.

Thanks for posting.


That's an old story, Paul :)

I realize that. Just ironic (weird) that I heard it twice from two different sources in less than one day.

Great post! Thanks

Thank you and my pleasure :)

If you don't get a boost from Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen you better check your blood pressure. Thanks Lisa

My pleasure, Tim :) Thank you for visiting :D

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