???? Try the 2-Minute Video Challenge! ????

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Hi everyone,

During the last 28 days, as part of my training for Live events and interviews coming up, I've been making a 2-minute video every single day. This is part of a 100-day challenge in another community, but I recommend it to everyone in WA.

🎥 My Simple Setup

For the last 28 days, I've been making a full-face 2-minute video daily without bells or whistles. I just used my iPad or PC recorder, and no extra gimmicks. Once it was recorded, I used Canva Pro to edit and enhance my video.

🧠 What I Learned

During this time, I have learned so many things:

  • Self-Acceptance: to accept myself exactly as I am, warts and all.
  • 🧘 Self-Discovery: to get to know myself more deeply and what is truly important to me.
  • 🎙️ Communication Skills: to prepare, speak clearly, use facial expressions, and communicate gracefully with the camera while focusing on my target audience intensely.
  • ✂️ Video Editing: to edit and trim videos, publish them on YouTube, etc.
  • 💡 Optimal Lighting: to find the most beneficial lighting.
  • 🌊 Natural Flow: to flow in what I say and create continuity from day to day.
  • 📆 Daily Habit: to make videoing a natural part of every day, as we all need to do as marketers.
  • ❤️ Authenticity: to be authentic and sincere - another quality vital to our business building.
  • ⏱️ Time Management: to time yourself and know just how much you can say in the allotted time, allowing for an introduction and a closing/conclusion.
  • 😌 Camera Confidence: to relax on camera and get a new sense of being yourself.
📈 Boosting My Skills

I was lucky to receive great feedback from my community members, which helped. So, if you can negotiate with a friend or group to watch every day and give feedback, it really helps to build your style and makes you more self-aware.

🚀 Start Your Challenge Today!

I hope you can start this soon. It's also a great way to practice product pitches, so I'm starting to create videos for my affiliate products on websites. Content is King, and Video is Queen. But together? WOW! A perfect monarchy! 👑

Don't hesitate to ask me more about this if you need to. For anyone who is camera-shy, this is transformative. 🌟

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Great going Lindi! Let us know how everything pans out in the end my friend!! :-)

Great work Lindi! I love videos but over the last few months I've no felt like recording (not felt great - left the sailing man behind) but I'm getting back to full confidence now so I'll take your challenge :))

What software do you use to record on you laptop? I have videos on TikTok and a few on uTube from a while ago, mainly real estate but I used my Android phone and then uploaded straight from there at the time. I'd like to make them from my desk too.

I even bought a stand for my phone so I can use it to record but haven't used it yet. I didn't go the blu-tooth microphone but a corded one and like the results of that

Sounds great, Lindi!


This is great Charley!

I made my first two videos with my voice this week. I am still trying to figure out how to put my face on a screen while displaying something other than me. Also, my videos are too long. I need to keep them to under 3 minutes like yours

Hi M. Glad you like it.
What are you using to record yourself?

I am using PowerPoint. I have a plugin with Camtasia but haven't enabled it yet.

AH. You have to allow your pc to access your video camera. You'll see the instructions on Camtasia.

Wow. Thanks for sharing. I have made several videos in the past but am not back to that level yet. I was making a 5-10 video for my diabetes site nearly every day. I just don't have that kind of energy right now! 😅

It sounds like a great challenge and I may take up the challenge next week.


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