Life Changes in a Second
Dear WA friends,
I am sorry I have not been around as often as I would like to have been. I missed your comments, your success stories and just chatting with you. I also failed to reply and comment on many posts. My apologies.
I have been lost for a few weeks now. Seems like thing's happen in three's for me. Not having a lot of friends the few I have, are very precious to me. I lost two of them one in a plane crash, and the other due to a heart attack.
My friend Jeff was only 44 years old, a proud father of six children and a wonderful wife. He owned his own aviation company and was the pilot of the plane that crashed. Just a little clip of an article in the local newspaper:
“He was kind, soft spoken and a hard worker. Jeff was known to always have a project on the go but never hesitated to stop and help a friend. But if you knew Jeff it was family first! He adored his wife and children and always had one or two of the kids tagging along.”
It also indicates that Mavor was flying his family at the time, with his wife Kathy, five of their kids, and their family dog, Pal. They had flown on Sunday, packing up sandwiches and heading to the family cabin, when the accident took place.
“Due to Jeff’s heroic act all five kids and Kathy got out with minor scraps and bruises.”
“In the process sadly him and their life long dog, Pal did not make it. Jeff leaves behind his beautiful wife Kathy and his six wonderful children who will dearly miss him and never forget their Hero! They will remember as Dad.”
You see, Jeff was a special kind of a guy. I will miss him also.
He was loved by everyone who ever had the opportunity to meet him. Jeff and Kathy were a perfect match. His children carry the kindness and love he so willingly shared with everyone.
I lost another friend. They were opposites. Don pretty much was a quite person, a lot of it was due to social anxiety. He was a stubborn man, and would get upset when anyone mentioned the fact that he should see his Doctor.
I did not know what, "Septic Shock" was but this is what led Don to have a heart attack, and pass away within hours of being rushed to the hospital via ambulance.
Every day we have is a blessing, every friend we have is also a blessing whether they are friends we have never met on the Internet, like my WA family or, just up close and personal. Our families are a blessing, I know I have had my share of disagreements with them, but I love them ever so much.
I do not have a lot of people I can talk to, and when certain things sadden me I tend to isolate myself, do my crying in the rain so to speak. No, no one will ever know how much I hurt inside.
This is why WA is so important to me. I actually feel OK sharing with all of you, and I just hope I am not being inappropriate. I hope I am not crossing any boundaries or am I dumping my feelings on you.
If you love someone make sure you tell them as often as you can. "If tomorrow never Comes". A beautiful and revelant song by Garth Brookes. Please click below if you want to hear the song.
Thank you all.
With love and blessings,
Recent Comments
I'm so very sorry Michael, I am deeply saddened by your loss. To lose two close, amazing friends is terrible... I know, I've been there. And years later, I still miss them. Be kind to yourself at this sad time.
Hi Lauren, thank you for your kind words they are very much appreciated.
It has been years since I lost my wife and 5 year old daughter, I miss them so very much. Memories are forever and I can't let go, maybe I just do not want to let go.
Blessings and best wishes,
Michael that is so sad, my heart goes out to you. Grieve, feel the sadness and sorrow, your friends deserve that. YOU deserve that. Loss brings back out own mortality and that's scary too.
Take care, ((((Hugs)))) Only virtual but with love.
Hi Rosana, thank you. I am grateful to my WA community to be able to share moments like these. Much appreciated.
Blessings and best wishes,
I am so very sorry for your loss of two great friends in your life. This was a very nice tribute to them and do not ever hesitate to share your feelings with the community!
Thank you for sharing this and stating how every day is a blessing. It is so true
Hi Hillary, thank you for your kind words, they are much appreciated.
Blessings and best wishes,
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I'm so very sorry for your loss
Hi Laura, thank you. Much appreciated.
Blessings and best wishes,