What's Googles Stance On AI Generated Content?
Unless you've been living under a rock you've heard discussions about AI generated content and what Google thinks of it.
And if you're like many people with all the opinions and such about Google and AI generated content you'll still not really sure what Google thought.
Well wonder no more.
On Feb 8, 2023 Google posted it's guidelines about AI-generated content.
This link takes you to those guidelines. Google AI Guidelines
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Thanks Leo for this Google article. Google seems to repose some confidence in A.I-generated posts.
It states that as long as our contents are " useful, helpful, original and satisfies aspects of E.E.A.T., they will do well in Google search whether human or AI-generated. Pretty comforting to hear.
I use AI all the time . But it does not write my content. It speeds up the whole process by helping with content ideas, titles, sub headings and more.
It's much clearer now, but as time moves forward I'm sure the guidelines will update. But as long as you follow them you have nothing to ever worry about.
No, they are not, they say that in this guideline -
Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines. This means that it is not used to generate content primarily to manipulate search rankings, which is against our spam policies.
You have to use AI as your writing assistant, not your content creator.
Bleh, you beat me to it! Excellent share. I suspect Google's policy will undergo many radical changes in the coming months as AI changes the landscape of content creation. I think it's a good thing because you still need to be creative and have your own style. Google can't afford to have a bunch of lazy writers pumping out AI content unchecked. It will be very interesting to see how they are going to respond to the AI companies attempting to circumvent Google's system.
It's those lazy writers that will get crushed.
I use AI as my writing assistant and idea generator, and this allows me to create high quality content much more quickly.
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Hello, Leo hopes you are well. It stands to reason from everything I have been gathering from what has been said, and I found that we are the ones to build it. It would only be efficient in the long run with our content.
I have caught it red-handed several times with questionable answers and facts, and we must be careful.
Thanks for the post.