I'm Ok, Hope You Are Too!

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Hey Guys & Gals!

Haven't been here in a long time. I'm certain its at least a year since I last visited this Wealthy Affiliate Platform, not because I didn't want to but because circumstances would not allow me to.

Nevertheless, here I am today, bored at home and finding myself "needing" to be here. Not because I "have" to, but because I "want" to.

So here I am... Writing whats supposed to be my "Upgrading" story, all the while overly prepared to do what's necessary to prevent further boredom.

Which I'm almost certain that anyone who isn't on writing and/or using this Wealthy Affiliates Program during these "quarantined" times, is straight outta luck and may be experiencing just as much or about the same amount of boredom that I was previously experiencing, prior to my decision...just now... , (about 31 minutes now), to "Rejoin" this Life-Changing, (Really...) Life-Transforming, (in a manner of speaking), and definitely a Life-Giving platform such as this.

I'm not trying to flatter anyone or even imply that this platform is any better than any other. But it us what it is... I have found myself coming back to WA for the past two years... Its the only platform that I'm drawn to, (so to speak), for an avenue to express my ideas and thoughts and not be judged on account of my methods or methodology but to be thoughtfully critiqued by peers who desire the same or very near to the same exactly things that I want. Mainly to be successful at whatever I choose to do with my brain while it works.

Moreover, I find it familiar to write to you all as the same faces that were here when I was last gere, are still here. It gladens my heart to see you!.

I do hooe that everyone is ok during these difficult times and if I have ever learned anything during my time away is to not give up on my dreams. Why, because although they say that tomorrow is not promised, it Is most certainly promising. I hold hopes of a better tomorrow for us all.

P.S. I'm very excited to be back... Again! :)

Linda xxx

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Recent Comments


It's nice to see you back. This is like having a second home away from home. I am OK and keeping well and locked away. Although we are apart, we are all facing the same problem. Be strong and stay safe.

Welcome back, Linda!


Glad you're back!

Thanks a bunch! :)

Glad to hear from you. I hope all is well with you.

Hi Jerry! Its been a while, glad to see you too, also glad to see that you're alright! :)


Hey Linda
Yes, doing great thanks. This is a brilliant time to dedicate writing awesome content and building our futures
Glad all is well with you

Hey Vicki, long time no see! Very excited to be back and at it again. Boredom is no joke! Lol :)

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