You Were Born a Genius at Failing TO Success. (now use it)

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Here's the deal.

We all fail. I fail every day. So do you (hopefully).

If you think back to the early years of any child, we start accomplishing things as a result of our failure.

When we learn to walk, we fall...over and over again. Hardly an athlete, but using walls to walk around a house, led to us eventually being able to run full sprint.

When we learn to talk, we start off by, da, boo. Hardly being able to converse with an adult, but that failure led to us being able to talk.

When we learn to success, we start off by hitting snags...technical issues, failed attempts, the wrong niche. Hardly being able to build a website, sell people stuff, research, create content, but that is what led to us being able to create thriving online businesses.

We WANT to fail. Sometimes fast....sometimes slow, but having this as part of our journey is normal. Completely. Don't feel abnormal if you get pissed off, if you want to quit, if you want to yell at something or someone. That is small and insignificant failures getting the best of you. The only way to actually fail is to quit.

Failure leads to pain, which leads to strength, which leads to education, which leads to you getting better.

So while we were all born to fail at things, we were born to overcome these things. Don't lose that.

Also, remember that you have a community of people here that have tried just about everything imaginable within the online world and failed their way to success. If you ask questions, you will get people helping you avoid your next potential failure, speeding up the process to success.

So let's fail together...and ultimately succeed together. I would love your personal perspective on this, because I know we are all tough on ourselves...sometimes to the point of giving up. Don't let that happen to you! ;)

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Hi Kyle:

You are absolutely right! There are many opportunities for failure along the road to success. It's a natural part of the process. We have to develop the mindset to accept that reality and push forward.

The examples you mentioned are all things we can relate to through personal experience from early in our lives. Failing to succeed is never ending throughout our lifetime.

Thank you for the push forward to achieving success in the short or long run.


It is neverending and that is OK. When we are learning something new, we are unlikely to master it the first time around. That means we are going to "fail" as we are learning something, but this could simply be viewed as part of the learning experience.

There is too much pressure put on us not to fail as we get older, but we have to let our infant minds embrace it. Walking is a big achievement as is learning a language, and we learned both of those only because we failed.

Thank you Kyle, this makes so much sense, I remember building a physical business in real estate and failing at things along the way only to pick up and keep going.

As this is a very different type of business, and I knew nothing about creating a niche and a website let alone what SEO stood for, it stands to reason the same will occur.
It's as many have commented below, that they try something, then try something else when that doesn't work - I have at times found it very frustrating and it feels like I'm going in circles not achieving much.
I've been away for a while dealing with some personal stuff and it's good to be back, I keep reading the posts and listening to the videos and feel that somewhere something will fall into place and push me ahead. It seems I'm no different to anyone else there, however my previous businesses have steadily grown each month and this is very different from those.
What I will say is that I am growing, and I'm certainly not used to going back to study, as often it takes a while for business to create an income and I guess I'm still studying after almost 9 months of first starting WA.

That is the thing. If you try something and it doesn't work, the natural mind wants you to move on from that and try something brand new. I wouldn't be so focused on moving on, rather figuring out why something didn't work, and working to find the best way to do it.

To succeed, you only have to be great at a few things. That requires some level of trial and error, ongoing education, and of course failures and successes. Moving from thing to thing and being OK at lots of things (but not great) is a recipe for mediocrity.

Thank you for the reminder Kyle, you are again...correct and insightful :))

I recently heard a 7 figure earner say that we "tweak" our way to success. Since no one gets the proverbial crystal ball we are all doing our best at making decisions not knowing in advance how things will work out. We try something and then see the result. Only then can we know for sure if it works or not. So if it didn't work out like you had hoped..."tweak" it and try again. All those tweaks will eventually lead you to where you need to be to create the success you desire. We all want to be at the final destination. We need to enjoy the journey more...embrace the whole creative process. What she said made sense to me so that's my new business plan...keep tweaking! =)

Nicely said.

Yes, it takes constant "tweaking" to find out what works best. Sometimes something is working, and if you are not working to improve through tweaks, then you are not really find out what is best.

And sometimes tweaks can make things a lot worse, though on paper they sounded like a great idea. A tweak or changing things around, trying something new, is a constant feedback loop that we can use to improve in an ongoing way. ;)

Hi Kyle,
I feel like saying 'Iiiii'mmm ba-ack - again! Life often pulls you one way, when you want to go another, and sometimes this 'pull' has to be answered! Nevertheless it's easy to feel embarassed, nervous, about still being at the beginning after a couple of years or so. The platform I am using is based on 'not quitting' and how to stick with it! As much as I know this and believe it and it is the thing thats kept me going. However, i am feeling a bit beaten up and your wise words today have given me the lift I needed. It was very timely and I thank you so very much.

Feeling "beaten up" is the feeling when you hit a few failures, things that just didn't work out first time around, and that is the feeling we all get. I still get it 22 years into business full time (and more regularly than most people think).

Push on. Learn lots from the things that don't work. It is going to move you towards the things that do with much more efficiency. That is where success is derived from.

Hi Kyle yes very well said. yes like you indicated we all have failed but we dust ourselves off and continue on this journey. I know I have failed many times but I am here for the long haul ahead and I will lean on everyone at WA to accomplish this journey we are on.

Dust yourself off...every time. Then just look forward, don't worry about the "points" that you didn't win, focus on the next one that you can win. :)

Hi Kyle!

Thanks for the great share!

If you want to be good at anything, first you have to be willing to be bad at it. Learning anything new is a process; it does not happen overnight. If you fail the first time, you have to try and try until you succeed at it.

You can learn how to stick with being bad at something long enough to become good at it. Patience and perseverance are key elements needed for success in anything in life.

Enjoy the rest of the week! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Well said Nichola you are doing great.

Keep at it


Thank you very much Andre! Have a productive day!

Always welcome my friend heading off to bed now enjoy your day and thank you also for your support appreciated.


I like the way you put that, we are bad at everything when you start at it typically and certainly not as good as we can be. That is why we want to simply take action, fail once a while, and learn from all of our failures and become unexpected overtime.


You are welcome!

Thank you Nicholas and you too πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ˜Ž



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