Why Enjoying What You Do, Translates into Big Business.


Hey Everyone,

Today, I want to talk about an exciting concept: turning something you LOVE into your livelihood or transforming your PASSION into a BIG business.

Here's what we'll cover in this video:

  • Passion to Profit: Learn how the online world provides an even playing field for ALL of us, where anyone can start a business with minimal cost and reach a vast audience.
  • Identifying Your Niche: Discover how to find a niche based on something you love and are passionate about, and why this leads to greater success.
  • Benefits of Passion: Understand how enjoying what you do translates into better output, stronger relationships with your audience, a better brand, and more success.
  • Engagement and Revenue: Find out how to connect with your audience, make product and service recommendations, and generate revenue by helping others.
  • Low Entry Cost: See how the minimal cost of starting an online business, especially with platforms like Wealthy Affiliate, makes it easier than ever to turn your passion into profit.

You want to have FUN with what you are doing, and enjoying the process and enjoying the niche you are working wth and the audience you are working with, naturally will lead to a lot more success.

I encourage you to have fun with this online business journey and explore multiple niches through time as you find your path to success, or multiple successes. Drop your thoughts, questions, and feedback in the comments below and let's get this conversation started!

Have a great week ahead!

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Hi Kyle!

A great motivational message! Thanks for sharing!

Indeed, when you are passionate about something, you give it your all and if this passion is your niche you can achieve so much more as you have indicated in your post in terms of your relationships with your audience, your brand quality and more success in general.

Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Yeah, passion leads to more effort, which naturally is going to lead to more success. Just because you are passionate about something doesn't mean you automatically get to achieve success...it means that you are likely going to be much more engaged in the topic, work hard, and achieve more success as a result.


Good morning Kyle,

Thank you for the very motivating video, it really is amazing what can be achieved online at the massive potential!

Having worked physically for most of my working life, although it's much easier than it used to be. It's a privilege to be able to sit in front of my PC and potentially earn money and reach many people. I thoroughly enjoy working online and the freedom that it brings! The Internet is such a marvellous invention.

It's also amazingly cheap to set up, and for anyone starting out with no knowledge, Wealthy Affiliate guides them through the whole process. That's much easier than when I first started out online!

Learning is also such a wonderful thing, which I probably didn't realise until I started working online. I was 1 of those people who really didn't like school and couldn't wait to leave, I disliked the whole process. However, when I'm learning something that I have an interest in, it's so wonderful to learn new tips and tricks, etc, it leaves such a good feeling. That's something that I never felt at school!

Have a great day.


It really is a privilege, but the thing is you probably wouldn't appreciate it in the same light if you didn't have the labor-based jobs that taught you what that type of work looks like.

I pinch myself still to this day that I get to get up at my own schedule, be at home and present with my kids, do something that I love (and work with amazing people within the community here), and earn a livelihood doing it!

That really is a very good way to look at life, Kyle and so very true! It's easy to forget the benefits that more of a labouring job brings and the fact that I know what hard physical work genuinely is.

I believe it's always good to remind ourselves where we came from and to be grateful for life every day.

I seriously admire what you and Carson have achieved, Kyle, but also see the exceptional dedication and hard work that you put into your business. I often wonder how much time you have for your family and garden, when you appear to be so dedicated on the platform. Well done for making it happen and continuing to improve the platform. Thank you.

Have a fantastic weekend.


We do work hard, and we know how hard many of the folks work here as well. There is no time to "smell the roses" in business, you always have to keep moving and keep learning, growing, failing, and succeeding. That is the fun, and that is really fulfilling.

We appreciate you Roy and I hope you have a wonderful week ahead! :)

I hear you, Kyle and believe you! In the best possible way, I'm sure there have been failures, but you in the team have the ability to get up and keep pushing forward even more, which is fantastic. I really hear you on the fulfilling bit, Kyle; that's doing life properly!

Thank you, Kyle; we are already halfway through the week!

All the best.


That's all we know. Pushing forward when it is tough will always be a much better option than going back.

Already half way through the week indeed, I hope you have had a good one! :)

I couldn't agree more, Kyle, forward is the only way!

Yes, it's been fairly productive, which is good and we're also having some decent weather here in the UK at the moment!

All the best.


This is definitely what I'm attempting to do with my primary niche site. It's based on outdoor adventure & nature in the area I live, which is like being on vacation every day. It's definitely a passion project for me, and hopefully I can turn it into a nice profit stream someday. I'll just keep plugging along and posting new content!

Excellent, that is great to hear. When you do love what you do (and you get to work on your business from wherever in the world you want), it does feel like you are on a vacation every day. :)

Hello Kyle

Thank you for sharing. I'm going to watch this properly later when I have more time. But the reason for my comment is that I need your advice. I seem to have lost my motivation for some reason.

The last few weeks I haven't been working on my business because I was working too hard and decided to take a break for that reason and due to illness. But now I don't feel like working and have been spending most of my time playing games.

I don't want to give up my business and I would be sad if I did but I don't feel like working either. It's like my motivation has suddenly disappeared and I'm stuck in something unknown. I'm not sure if it is something related to my health or something else entirely.

I'm wondering if you have any ideas or advice about this and what could have happened? How do I get my motivation for business back again? Thank you again for sharing. All the best to your success.



Sounds good, would love your feedback after you check it out.

If you are playing games, of course that won't have a positive impact on anything productive in your life. What if you could take your passion for your favorite game and translate that into an online business? That might be a direction that you want to consider.

If you are not feeling the love for your current niche, you can always switch it up and I recommend that you do. Sometimes we just lose passion for projects and it is going to take way more effort (and it is way less fun) to try to revive this, instead of moving forward with a new project.

Here to help you align yourself with something new if that is what you are after, or happy to help you with your existing business.

Hello Kyle

Thank you for your reply. That makes a lot of sense. I'm starting to get some of my motivation back. I'm still passionate about technology but I just don't feel like writing about technology at the moment.

I think I'd like to work on one of my other websites that are in other niches for a change. I don't want to give up my main business which is my technology business but I do want focus on something else for a while.

I think that may be what the problem is. I will probably start doing some work during the week and I'll let you know how things go. I also agree with your video that doing what you enjoy can make big business and great success for you.

Thank you again for your reply and advice. I hope you have a great weekend. All the best to your success.



Thanks again, Kyle for a meaningful message. I am passionate about several things and for those things I have created sites and am working on them. I could talk about writing all day long. Author site created. I could talk about diabetes all day long. Diabetes site created. I could talk about Wealthy Affiliate all day long. WA promotion site created! I could talk about being a grandparent raising a grandchild. Grandparents site created!

I love what Wealthy Affiliate has brought to my life!


Well that is great and definitely a sound approach. Things that you can talk about all day, build businesses around. It will show in all of your work, you will be creating more engaging content, be more effective helping people, and ultimate reach more success. ;)

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