The Official Bug Thread - Post Any Bugs Here


Hey Folks,

This the bug thread if you are having ANY issues with the new platform here at WA. Please post your issues below and if you can, please provde screen captures of what you are referring to within the comments.

We appreciate your help and your feedback. We will get to ALL of these efficiently! :)


Kyle & Carson

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I hope this is the right place, Abie tells me my recent blogs are not showing up on the blog roll, which might also answer why I was having a very hard job finding a way to post a blog, which used to be so simple Thats all I can really say

I emptied the cache several times, but it was still not visible on the WA blog roll

Oh yeah! It is definitely their (Robby's) WA dashboard blog roll.


Are you talking about posting a blog here at WA or on your website? This is a thread for any bugs noticed inside WA’s user interface.

On here Eric


When I go to your blog roll, I see your posts.

What in particular are you not seeing?

Something has changed in the last few hours that has put it back on course, there was another post shirt the one you are showing here

just found a little bug....
went to my notifications and clicked on it went problem....
went to the top of the post and clicked the return to dashboard.....
and ended up on this post....another version of the bug thread with no header image....
so a bug on the bug thread....

Hey Kyle

Teeny Minor issue:

What would old members be in the new premium members panel?

It doesn't make sense, as I have noticed it many times. They may have upgraded from premium to pp+ and vice versa :) Otherwise, why would they be there...

Just curious if it is a glitch :) Thanks

I recently published a blog post here and noticed it is still not appearing as a new Blog.

i also did a test blog after this which is below and this too doesn't appearing in the new blogs. Is anyone else having issue as the last blog i can see shown is over 5 hours ago.


Today I went to check the blogs and still not showing more than 20 hours since they were posted.

Others have stated the same issue when going to my profile and they can't see those last two blogs.

Plus some mentioned they too have issue with their blogs.

So there is certainly a problem here that needs to be looked into and fixed.

This is not the first time apparently this has happened


I know what the problem is.

If you get to edit your blog post after it is published, it will disappear from the blog roll.

This has happened to me just now; I am trying to blog post (I edited it twice, and it got deleted twice... lol Go figure! )

Thanks Abie but when I posted the original it didn't come up so I thought I might have missed something so I went to edit but it was all ok.
plus the test blog I did not do any editing for that yet both are still missing from the lastest blog and still not appearing unless someone clicks the links above.

I agree with you that is weird and shouldn't happen at all I have edited previous posts and no issue.

Kyle did let me know he saw the original post but that was it and when I checked not there.
So waiting for another response from him with some snapshots from others who also have had this issue..

This should be happening otherwise what is the use of having an edit button if it deletes you post.

Thanks and appreciated.

Hope yours comes back


Precisely that... Something is NOT right, lolol. I dare not touch that 'edit' button lolol. It always break my heart having to do the posting again :)

It is there now, I learned my lesson lolol

Hope they get to the bottom of this quickly

I hope so too :)

The sooner the better for all.


Yes Kyle let me know there was a bug in the system but has not been fixed.

That's good. At least we know where to look to defeat it lol

Yep and all is back properly now with the post's

Thank you! :) I am happy I can click the 'edit' button without having my blog post censored lol (jk)

True this bug created some issues for us all

Another Potential bug - Screenshot helps show it. I have "New Follower" Notifications turned off (have had it turned off for a while now), and even when I do, there are times when it shows up (as seen in the screenshot).

Also, there are multiple times when I will get a 'bell notification' (i.e. the bell icon will have a 1/2/3/etc next to it), but when I actually look at my notifications, nothing is showing up - I'm assuming it's something where I get the red icon notifying me that I had a new subscriber, but it's hiding it from my actual notifications when I check it, if that makes sense.

I believe this also happened when I was on mobile too. But definitely happens when I'm on desktop.

Thanks Andy, I will report and have our team have a look here. :)

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