Keyword Marketing Strategy: Picking Green Peaches
This is part 2 of my original blog post, “A Story About Picking Peaches”.
In that story I explained how Johnny, a peach farmer got paid to pick peaches by the pound. He had to make some tough decisions.
He could get the low hanging fruit which were the smaller peaches and took many more to fill his basket, the mid range fruit which was a bit more accessible and bigger size, or the high hanging fruit which were the big, juice peaches that filled his basket quickly (but were more difficult to get at and there were less of them).
Johnny chose the low hanging fruit and for good reason. It made life much easier.
Today I want to discuss why Johnny has started picking peaches that are GREEN, not even close to being ripe.
Why would he want to pick GREEN peaches?
He is predicting that one day they are going to be ripe. He knows that a peach will take about 30 days to go ripe after the time he picks them, which gives time for the processing plant to sort and package, for them to ship to the grocery stores, and for the grocery stores to unload them and put them on their shelves...and then for the people to take them home and ultimately eat them.If he were picking fruit for today, this would be a bad strategy. If he wants to pick the fruit to maximize future success, he would pick fruit that is not ripe.
Are you seeing any correlation here between your online activities, keyword research, domain research, and market research and little Johnny’s green peaches?
Green peaches = Futuristic Keywords
You might not completely be grasping the entire concept just yet, so I am going to walk you through some examples here.
When you think of the future in terms of “keyword research”, what do you initially think of? Likely the first thing you think of is your niche, maybe you are thinking about an upcoming event.
Both of these would be a “correct” way to approach predictive research, or futuristic keywords. Like Johnny, you want to plan ahead with your campaigns. Sure it is fine to grab that low hanging fruit within your industry, but don’t blanket your eyes to obvious opportunities that stand before you.
Case in point, Halloween. A massive shopping event online, if you didn’t realize this here is a bold fact that may get the juices flowing.
Since 2005, average spending per person on Halloween has gone from from $48 to $73. This is a significant jump. People spent approximately $6.86 billion on Halloween last year.
Guess where a lot of this money is going? ONLINE!
The wonderful thing about Halloween, being an Internet marketer, you can leverage this event far before it takes place.
You can predict things like:
(1) New Costumes for Kids
(2) New Costumes for Men
(3) New Costumes for Women
(4) Costumes for Animals
(5) Different themed halloween parties
(6) New accessories
(7) Halloween Events that are taking place
(8) Halloween movies
You can also make some predictions based on the past year and the current trends. I do a simple search in Google to see what sort of things people were looking for last year and look what I came up with.
You can take this one step further. Let’s take a look at what Jaaxy tells us about searches last year. Here are the results I got from “halloween costumes 2011”.
Guess what this has done? It has given me “predictive” insight into what people are going to be searching this year.
People are going to be searching for...
political halloween costumes 2012
Especially this year with the US elections taking place!
Although there may not be a ton of keyword data on this yet as the event has not happened, I know that based on last year this is going to be a popular search. It is still getting some traffic, but you can expect a surge in traffic leading up to Halloween.
Let’s have a look at the traffic here in Jaaxy:
Would you look at that, getting traffic already! Something that you may find fascinating and I do to this day is the fact that there is ZERO competition. Yes, ZERO. Not a single page on Google has this exact term on it.
This is what I call a “green peach”. There are millions of these green peaches throughout the year that you can take advantage of.
Now get out there and get yourself some green peaches!
Recent Comments
Awesome post Kyle! Lots of green peaches out there. You don`t have to have a "halloween" site to take advantage of this you can implement with a twist of the site that you are working with... working with a make money site the keyword "20 dollar halloween costumes" 20 searches and little competition... :)
Exactly. Lots of different things you can do with this Veronica, this is just one of the many examples that I could have covered. I will like tackle different subjects and aspects of this strategy in the coming weeks ahead.
They are easy to find (even though they don't taste the best) and it is easy to find a lot of buyers that will want your green peaches. :)
Excellent point!!! wow a lot of customer looking for a green peaches (any product). a excellent market
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My 2012 Halloween web site is on page four of Google, but that's not a complaint -- it's barely 72 hours old. It entered Google at page five, but that was before I linked it to a Street article, LOL!
It's such a saturated niche that I wasn't going to bother unless I found a KILLER keyword, and I still can't believe that the one I found was still available. Next, I'll be adding separate WordPress pages for each of three sub-niches!
I think that this blog post will show you just how many green peaches there still are out there, tons of opportunity in the Halloween niche and it will only continue to grow each and every year as new keywords, new yearly themes, new costumers get rolled out.