How to Create a Facebook Account


Hey Everyone!

I wanted to make a quick video on how to create your Facebook account. First, head over to When you get there, you'll see a simple website. It may look slightly different depending on updates or your location, but the process remains the same.

To create your account, click on "Create New Account." From there, you'll sign up and add your settings. Facebook will then validate your account through email or phone. It's as straightforward as signing up for anything else, just like you did with Wealthy Affiliate.

Having a Facebook account is important for following along with some of the training here. You don't need to be a social media guru, but Facebook is a vast platform with over three billion users. It can be a valuable tool for your business, and we offer plenty of resources, classes, and expertise on Facebook as you move forward.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Creating an Account: Visit and click "Create New Account."
  2. Sign-Up Process: Complete the sign-up process and validate your account through email or phone.
  3. Importance of Facebook: Facebook is a powerful tool with over 3 billion users, useful for business growth and leveraging our training resources.

If you have any questions about Facebook or the setup process, drop them in the comments below, and I'll be more than happy to help you out.

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Hi Kyle,
I am a long time Facebook user. As I consider using FB for my business, do I need a separate account? Or will I set up a FB page for my business using my old FB account?

Is it a business account

No. It's been a personal account for many years.

Yup, you need a business Facebook page. You can create one from your profile. I also make sure I follow Facebook community standards.

Thanks, but I'm afraid I'm still a bit slow on the uptake here. I have a FB profile that I've used for years with family, friends, and groups that I am involved in. I share a lot of humor on that page and have about 1200 friends.
Are you saying that I would just create a business page from that? if I do, will it be separate from my personal FB and news feed? When people come to my business page are they able to track back to my personal profile?
- Scott

It will be separate, yeah!

No, unless you add a link or like or comment on your business page with your account (You associate your personal account to your business account )

Then you need to create a business Facebook account

It's interesting that you and @TheCatherine are telling me two different answers. Or you may be saying the same thing and i am still confused! LOL

What are you confused about? According to the Facebook community standards, you can have ONE personal account, ONE business account, and as many pages/groups as you want.

Ahhh.... cool! So I have a personal account, but I need to start a business account and then build a page for my website. That is my take away at this point.

You can create business pages and groups on your PERSONAL account. You only need a business account to manage ads, staff, or multiple pages.

You can also do ads on your personal account.

(It is NOT a requirement to have a business account)

Thanks! I will run with this now. :)

You are most than welcome :) And please keep us updated on your progress.

Important social media Thanks again for the class and information.

No problem Arisara, glad you enjoyed it!

I have created my Facebook account and even created my first post on there. My question is how do I get the FB icon onto my website?

There are plugins for that. There is some training that will help you out here. :)

Thank you, Kyle!

Thanks Kyle,

I would like to use my website name as the name of my facebook account. However, I see that someone else already has it, although the last post to it is in 2019 so not very active.

Would I be able to open an account with my website name with the .com in it? And if so will it be too similar to the other one that is there? Could I get in to trouble doing that?

Any suggestions? I would like to use the name of my website so people will recognize it.



Facebook allows multiple companies to have the same page name, your URL will just need to be different. So if you want to use your .com as your name, you should be able to do this without issue Mark. :)

I do not need to put the .com in my facebook name. would there be any disadvantage to putting the .com in there? It certainly will give people the urge to check out my website, but I would think it might be better for people to get to my website by clicking on links in my facebook posts. Would you agree with that?

Do you advise to use .com as part of the name so people will know that is also my website address or is it better to not have the .com in the name and just put links to my website in Facebook posts

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