For The Sake of Your Success, Keep Yourself BUSY!


Hey Everyone,

Today I want to touch on a concept that we all encounter in business and life: being busy and how it impacts the future of your business.

1. Staying Busy to Avoid Dwelling on the Past:

We all hit snags in life and in business, but how you respond to those challenges makes all the difference. If you stay idle, it's easy for past issues or failures to creep into your present and negatively affect your focus. However, if you remain busy and productive, you won’t have the time or space to dwell on those negative experiences.

2. Constant Learning and Productivity:

To stay on track, it’s essential to stay in a state of constant learning and productivity. That could mean building your business, expanding your knowledge, or learning new skills. The more you stay active and engaged, the less likely you are to get bogged down by past struggles, and the more likely you are to push forward and achieve success.

3. Focus on Growth, Not the Past:

Dwelling on past failures or missed opportunities does nothing to help your business. Instead, focus on what's ahead—new opportunities, new strategies, and a fresh mindset that keeps you moving forward. By doing this, you’re setting the foundation for a brighter and more successful future.

Your Goal for the Week:

This week, my challenge to you is simple: stay busy. Stay productive, keep learning, and actively move forward in your business. Don’t give yourself the time to focus on the negatives or the past—focus on what you can accomplish now and in the future.

Have a productive and BUSY week ahead!

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Idle Hands are the Devil's Workshop. Keep moving forward with the understanding that even baby steps are progress. As long as you keep moving, the Devil will leave you alone.

Hold onto your dreams and maintain hope, even in challenging circumstances. The past is simply spent time that won't return. Keep pushing that rock uphill and

Don't Stop Believin... (Journey, 1981)

The Amazing Niche Master

Powerful message!

You are so right Kyle,

It is so easy to fall into the trap of thinking about the past or wanting the future so much we forget the present moment and to keep be productive.

This is indeed a powerful message!

Have a wonderful new week.

Kind regards

Yeah, absolutely. It is easy to really start thing about the things that haven't work, failures and disappointments if we have too much idle time. If we are busy and constantly learning, our focus immediately becomes the future. ;)

You have a wonderful and busy week ahead Erica! :)

I feel I can be a prime example of this statement.

2 seasons ago, I knew NOTHING about wealthy affiliate. Last season, I worked my @$$ off during every SPARE moment to hone in on my 2 business websites.

This season, I could barely find the time to do any blog articles until recently, but it didn’t matter to me.

Point is, and what Kyle says, I’m not dwelling on the past of what I did…I’m focussing on my continuing activities for the future.

I know what I NEED to do. I WILL get to it once this season is over. Ultimately I’ve stayed consistent albeit not normal for my liking, and I’ll continue to push forward regardless - because the only path is forward!

Cheers to another weak WA clan!

Thanks fro sharing your story Jeremy. You are not alone, we all have ebbs and flows in our lives, but we need to realize that the ebbs are going to happen, and we have to keep the flow forward going and that is by focusing on the future, keeping busy, and always learning.

We can all become better at anything we want. That is something that I always found exciting and that I have encouraged in others (including my kids). ;)

Thanks Kyle

We need to stay on top of the game and keep our eyes on the ball. We know that the marketing world can change so quickly take Goofball for example (not a typo LOL).
So keep on learning as that also changes and keep focused all the time.
Take basketball for example: If we can't shoot at the hoop, we may need to dribble a bit longer until we get that opportunity.
If you take the shot and miss then we need to keep practicing and learning new or better ways to get that shot in the hoop.

So many read your blog and take all the positive action and focus on the job at hand and keep moving forward.


Thanks Andre, very true. Something that I always say is that if you want to be good at something, why not try your very best at that very thing.

Giving up early on something or putting in half effort won't lead to "good" at anything, that is why I always suggest people push themselves until things happen. :)

You have great insights as well!

Thanks Kyle many times we need to think outside the box not confine ourselves as the so called norm
Have a great week ahead 🙏

Yeah, for sure. Always think outside of the box, any idea could potentially be a good one until we prove otherwise.

So true the only way forward is outside the box

Yes I plan on learning everything brand new to this so just figuring everything out ,I appreciate the boost 🙏🏻

Absolutely David, I think you are going to live your experience here at WA! You can learn this the same as anyone else. So no worries there.

If you need anything at all moving forward, just reach outs. You have a community of help here!

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