Don't Focus on This ONE Thing, If You Want a Successful Future.


Hey Everyone,

Today I want to talk "future", in particular your future. Success is often times a matter of focus, and where you are focusing your energy. Many people have the tendency of focusing on past failures and frustrations, whereas others naturally focus on the future and what they can achieve and accomplish.

I want to emphasize the importance of envisioning goals, setting plans, and investing mental energy in future achievements.

Key Takeaways in this video:

  • Positive Focus:
    • Emphasize the importance of focusing on the future rather than past failures.
    • Avoid wasting mental energy on past setbacks.
  • Goal Setting and Planning:
    • Envision where you want to be, whether it’s working full-time online, spending more time with family, or traveling.
    • Build a path and set goals to achieve these future aspirations.
  • Mindset Shift:
    • Invest your brain power in future successes.
    • Understand that dwelling on past failures is counterproductive.
  • Encouragement and Support:
    • Kyle encourages members to work hard and make things happen.
    • Wealthy Affiliate offers support to help members achieve their goals.
  • Community Engagement:
    • Members are invited to share their thoughts and feedback in the comments.

So focus on future successes and work towards them with determination and a clear plan. And use the Wealthy Affiliate platform to support your journey towards achieving your goals, that is what it is here for.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, so make sure you jump into the comments section below and leave your personal insights in terms of working in the past, or working towards your brilliant future ahead!

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Recent Comments


Thanks Kyle, even if I haven't been around for a few days or I've gotten busy with my real estate business - I can rely on a great motivational video from you!

To kick start me again, I simply go through my email alerts and watch almost everything through the links. They are usually all relevant and give me great new and inspiring ideas - thank you so much, I appreciate being a member greatly! :))

Thanks Amanda, and it is great to see you! I know many of us are very busy, so I can totally appreciate that!

Hope to see more of you in the upcoming weeks and months, lots of conversations going on here and I alway appreciate your input, feedback and ideas.

Have an awesome summer ahead and see you soon! :)

Greeting to you and everyone here at wA,once again I would like to invite you to Uganda and Rwenzori and kasese in particular where I do carry out our activities and your presence will help in attracting many more members as our people believe in seeing.
Thanks for good response.
Stay safe
Be blessed
Be loved

Thanks Robert!

Very true, looking ahead and not dwelling on some failures and definite having a positive mind set about things. Its very possible to get an online web site going well and there are many different ways to achieve that. To have a plan and try to accomplish that is good. Cant succeed unless someone continues to strive for what there wanting.

Focusing on the rough seas of the past, leads to the inability to see the calm seas and the beautiful outlook ahead. Too often I see people saying they cannot do something because of something that happened way in the past, when in reality they are in the present and their future only relies on the actions they take today, tomorrow and the next day. :)

Very True! must strive and continue to have good ideas and future accomplishments.

Awesome Monday Motivation, Kyle. For me thus far, this has been one reason for getting up in the morning and beating a path through the vegetation, as it were.

Right now struggling to insert images into those whitish expanses of text I have created . . . in my own version of cyberia.

Had a few fails. But not to worry, shall get back up shortly and then soldier on.

My long term vision is to do this professionally -- if possible.

Fails happen all the time, we learn from them and when we learn what works, we have some powerful knowledge we can move forward with. When you know of 100 things that are working and how to do them, that is when you become really powerful in business (and within any niche/craft).

Beat your path through the vegetation as you have been doing, it is going to take you to the promise land!

Thank you, Kyle . . . I so needed that. After a few cups of black coffee this morning, even as I speak . . . I managed to hack through one thicket; and now to the next one. Cheers.

I used to beat myself up all the time, now I know that is a waste of time and energy. The voice of the "critic" still pops up once in a while to attempt to steal my joy, but I just ignore it!

Thank you for this motivational talk! It is always nice to be reminded not to waste our brain energy!


We all have our inner critic, but have a bad memory by design. It isn't really useful to dwell on our failures in the past, or even focus too much on our successes (or we are trying to live in our past).

Focus on your future, continue to advance your knowledge, and continue working towards a better you!

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