Beer With Kyle: What is a Perfect Starter Experience?


Hey Everyone!

Today we have some exciting updates and discussions, especially geared towards our starter membership. We’ve made several changes and have some upcoming ones, including the idea of reintroducing chat for starter members (that we want your feedback on)

First, let’s crack open this week’s beer. Today, I’m featuring an Italian Pilsner called Che Bellio from Hoyne Brewing. Hoyne is known for their excellent Pilsners and this one is no exception. It’s 5.3% ABV and I’ll be pouring it into my Wealthy Affiliate glass, a memento from our yearly conferences in Las Vegas.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Updated Starter Membership Experience: We’ve revamped the starter membership dashboard to make it more intuitive. Instead of “Build Your Hub,” we now say “Launch Your Business” to help new members understand their goals better.
  2. Core Training and Tasks: We’ve combined the first three tasks into one cohesive step called “Launching Your Business.” This simplifies the initial process and makes it easier for newcomers to get started.
  3. Profile Setup and First Content Creation: New members are now encouraged to set up their profile early on and create their first piece of niche content right away. This helps them understand the content creation process and the power of the article designer and author platforms.
  4. Reintroduction of Chat for Starters: We’re considering bringing back chat access for starter members, provided they set up their profile. This will help them engage more with the community and get immediate help when needed.

We value your feedback on these updates, especially the idea of reintroducing chat for starter members. Please jump into the comments below and share your thoughts. Your insights are crucial for us to continue improving the platform.

I hope you have an awesome weekend ahead. I’ll catch up with you on Monday with my Monday motivation.

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@Kyle this new Starter Training is SPOT ON! I'm a step-by-step I check-off kind of person. So this hits my sweet spot!

I think the new setup and newly recorded videos will stream line this training for starter members.

I like the idea of giving CHAT access to Starter Members!

Thanks for being proactive!


Kyle, I think it’s great to add the chat feature for stubborn members. I think that star members ability to communicate with other members can help them feel Comfortable up at some point. I also agree that they should accept profile because That will help other members understand who they are Show some commitment that they have. Just putting in the effort into setting up, the profile will lead to a greater chance of star members Upgrading because they put effort into the process

Yeah, definitely Mark. We are thinking the same thing, when we used to have chat wide open back in the day, people actually saw chat as the very first thing when they came into WA so there were lots of very "newbie" questions (and sometimes spam).

Now people know WA, they know the process, and they have set-up a profile before they step foot in chat.

I think it's a great idea, I need to use the chat option more often but tend to forget to as it wasn't an option in the beginning and have gotten used to asking via written message. Having starters accessing live chat will cut down on the amount of other messages too, and like you say a much quicker outcome to the issue being questioned.

Sure, whatever works best for you Lizzy. The reality is there are many ways to get help here, and you are going to get your "flow" for getting help. If you do this through the training directly, through firing up a question, private messaging, blog posts...or live chat, that is great. Perhaps it is all of them.

The communication here within WA is useful interaction, you are communicating with like minded folks, networking, and advancing your knowledge as you immerse yourself here. ;)

I was one of the ones who talked about chat, which was one reason I upgraded. The benefits outweigh people getting annoyed with the questions—scroll by them.

I think having them create a profile is a good compromise, and it should cut down on the problems.

Those who already have an established online business or are building a niche business and ---don't promote WA probably aren't considering the large number of people who do promote WA and the possible impact of losing live chat, for starters. I get that we are all trying to build a business, but to me, it's still a community, and we should consider everyone in it.

One of the things many people, including myself, look for is if the program is real or if it is another scam. I think having a live chat where people can see the community helping each other out and interacting and, as I said, seeing one of the co-founders being active alleviates some of that. There are SO many scams out there; letting people "peek" in and see for themselves will make a big difference, in my opinion

That's my two cents again—live chat isn't going to hurt those who don't promote WA, but it could make a big difference to those who do and be one of the deciding factors of whether or not they are getting referrals, upgrades, and commissions.

I think the upgrades look great, nice an clean and ways to follow.

We are on board with you as well on this one. The implementation of it is much different this time around, as the person going into chat is not just going to be arriving that second, instead they are going understand WA, the make money process, and have a profile set-up before they jump into chat. (It will be part of task #3, and will require a profile to be set-up).

As you mentioned, people that are building a business are not building their business all day, they are communicating about it, helping others, getting help, networking...all things on the community side of things. Not to mention the trust value, that you allude to!

I really appreciate your feedback Kerri, we are definitely thinking along the same lines as you and now is a good time to re-introduce chat to Starters as we have gotten pretty close to streamlining the Starter experience. :)

I really like your comment about chat showing people that we are not just another scam. It's a great way to build credibility.

Thanks :-)

Hi Kyle

As I’ve said a few times, I think giving starter members access to the live chat is essential to show them the level of support and quality of community they can expect if they upgrade.

This includes frequently having real-time access to you in the chat.

In this era of automated communication and “chat bots,” people really appreciate having access to live help from real people.

I think this will really help us put our best foot forward.

Have a great weekend!
Frank 🎸

My thoughts, but written better and clear LOL

Lol, I think you explained yourself exceptionally well, Kerri! 👍👍 😎

Have a Rockin' Weekend! 🤘
Frank 🎸

I agree Frank. We are living in a world where support is becoming less and less authentic, and community is hard to find. Having access to the live chat here immediately allows people to appreciate just how awesome the family is here, how authentic it is, and how pay-it-forward it is.

The best foot forward is what we are all about, and you are going to continue seeing the Starter membership evolve in that direction (as you know, the premium level memberships have always been about this).

Thanks for your feedback, as always it is insightful and very much appreciated!

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