Beer With Kyle: Streamlining Starter, and Why Timers Lead to MORE Action


Hey Everybody,

Today, I’ve got a lot of exciting updates to share with you, particularly around the starter experience and how it's impacting the premium levels too. We’ve rolled out some great changes, and I’ll also give you a sneak peek into where we’re headed with the hub design.

But first, since it’s Beer with Kyle, let's look at today's beer:

Key Takeaways:

1. Today’s Beer:

For this week’s beer, I’m going with a nonalcoholic Heineken (0.0% ABV). I’ve got things to do after this, so I opted for something light. Surprisingly, this one tastes almost exactly like a regular Heineken—just a little lighter. I

t’s actually quite good! If you haven’t tried it yet, give it a go next time you want a refreshing, nonalcoholic option.

2. Starter Experience Updates:

Let’s jump into the updates! One of the most significant changes we’ve made this week is to the starter experience, and it’s also relevant for premium members.

If you haven’t selected a business idea or deleted your hub, this is what the new hub experience will look like. One thing we’ve done is remove the training from the initial page because it didn’t make sense to have it there. Instead, we added a “Need Help” pop-up that walks users through their first hub setup.

You can still choose your niche, build your hub, and get everything set up quickly. We’re also making improvements to simplify the overall hub design. Before, we had too many confusing elements on the page—like 10 pink buttons—and we’re working on cleaning that up. For premium members, you’ll also notice that we’ve moved the core training to the top of the page, making it easier to find.

We’ve also added a “Need Some Help?” button to every hub. This allows users to ask questions and get answers directly from the community without leaving the hub. No more feeling stuck—especially for newcomers!

3. Menu & Hub Design Cleanup:

Next, we did a major cleanup of the menu labels within the hub environment. The labels are now more intuitive and represent the sections accurately.

4. The Return of the Timer:

You may have noticed that we’ve brought back the timer at the top of the header. This timer is linked to our offer: free domains and up to 10,000 bonus AI credits when you upgrade to a premium membership. Here’s why we did it.

Previously, we removed the timer to give people more time to experience the platform and decide on upgrading. But what we found is that without a clear timeframe, people were taking too long to take action. Surprisingly, when you give people less time, they tend to do more. They make quicker decisions and get more done.

So, the timer is back, and we’re seeing a positive change in both action and upgrades. It’s a seven-day offer, and it motivates new members to jump in and start building their businesses.

5. What's Next?

Moving forward, we’ll continue to tweak and refine the hub experience and other areas of the platform. We’re always learning from what works and what doesn’t, and these insights help us make Wealthy Affiliate better for everyone.

Your Feedback:

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Here are a few things I’d like your feedback on:

  • What do you think of the new starter experience?
  • Do you think the timer is a good idea for motivating action?
  • Any ideas or suggestions on how we can improve the hub design?

Leave your comments, questions and feedback below, we appreciate it! :)

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Great class. I'm not a beer drinker but you make them all look tasty. However, with extended time, folks do fall into a LAZY PHASE. My room stayed unclean with mommy threats, lol. But as a grown up with responsibilities we have to learn to appreciate the extra time BECAUSE we spend our money on something we want to improve on.

Also, the HELP button is a great PLUS, I don't have to choose who to ask," they" will be informed when I ask.

Thanks for the cool upgrade, guys!!! cheers!!!

Yeah, fair enough. This is just a great opportunity for us to keep people up to date.

And yeah, you make a good point and it is a good comparison. You clean up as an adult as well when other people come to your house...same as when you have a time crunch on building a business, you a much higher rate.

It comes down to procrastinating and this happens with just about anything, until you have a bit of a time crunch to make it happen. ;)

Hi Kyle:

Thank you for sharing the latest updates!

I know this will continue to be a revolving venture to see what works best for the WA platform. Changes to the starter experience is a typical example.

When I joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2019, I knew immediately this was the right fit for me. As such, I didn't let the opportunity to upgrade within the first seven days pass me. Likewise, the Black Friday Sale to switch to annual for even more savings was a no-brainer.

If I didn't have a timeframe to upgrade, chances are I'd spend much more time exploring with the two free websites offered during that time. It would have been fun; however, I'm grateful for the advantages available as a Premium Member.

As for the new hub design, I'll be exploring that when I get a chance to do so.


Yeah, that is often times the case and now we have data to indicate this. People take far less action when there is no time crunch to actually try and test out a platform, the same goes for an assignment in college. When you know there is a deadline, you actively work hard. It has that same sort of effect here.

Thanks for sharing your personal insights as well, it is always useful to have feedback like this!

And when you have feedback on the hub design, let us know. :)

Yesterday (on Sunday), I started to create a video tutorial of Wealthy Affiliate and noticed that the starter membership dashboard looks cleaner and more readable.

I'm sure that with a new update it will be even more user-friendly, so I can update the WA tutorial. :)

As for the timer - I also believe it's better to leave it there. When there's a sort of time pressure, people tend to accomplish more - I know this from my own experience. :)


Yeah, we are constantly making changes to improve and streamline the flow, to make it easier to understand. We are never "finished" an update, there will surely be more updates and improvements moving forward, but we feel this is our best version yet.

And yes, like school when you are given a deadline, you accomplish way more and you actually complete the project. The same we have found with having some time sensitivity here, people will be much more inclined to start something if there is a certain level of time involved. :)

I thought the hub looked different! Lol I had to do a double take when I saw that the training was above everything else. It makes sense, just will have to get used to how it is now.

Thanks for continuing to update and make things more streamline here on WA!

Angela M :)

Haha, that wasn't your eyes messing with you. It has been updated to put more focus on the training. It may just take a few days to get used to the design, but having the tasks/training and the top will keep you more organized within your actual hub.

Thanks for chiming in here Angela! :)

Good morning Kyle,

Thank you for another update, it's appreciated.

All I can say is that you are certainly experimenting and testing to see what works the best. I appreciate that all these changes must be a lot of work, but you are trying to get the starter experience right. Out of interest, I believe that you did say that I could open a starter account with a new email address, so I could see the starter experience, as in for creating videos, etc.

Showing the current lesson is definitely a good idea! The ask a question is also a great feature and gives newcomers confidence that help is available.

Setting your business goals up sounds like a useful feature, Kyle, especially if it helps to get them immersed in the community and live chat, etc. When I first joined Wealthy Affiliate, I really joined for the up-to-date training, but there is definitely a value in the community and mixing with like-minded people.

I believe the timer is a good idea, as it acts as accountability! I'm replying to your video as I go, Kyle, so I hear where you are coming from regarding people doing less! As I have mentioned before, I use the Pomodoro method, although I don't take all the breaks that they recommend. I have my timer set for 25 minutes normally, which is a reminder that time is going by quickly. Even when I'm replying to Wealthy Affiliate comments, I put the timer on and limit myself to a certain time. So, I do hear exactly where you're coming from with the countdown timer; it has to be a good thing!

I could almost get lazy (which I don't want to) without accountability and goals, etc. So it's interesting listening to your facts and data, etc., Kyle.

Although these constant updates kind of put my head in a spin, I do see where you're coming from, Kyle and I admire your drive to create the best results. I can see that this is a time consuming project, which will hopefully pay off in the long run, especially as you mention that you have a team building various aspects of the starter membership, etc. One thing is for sure; we never stop learning.

A very happy Sunday to you.


Thanks for the comment! You're absolutely right, we are constantly experimenting and testing to see what works best. It’s all about making sure that the starter experience is as seamless as possible for newcomers.

And yes, feel free to open a starter account with a new email address if you'd like to get a fresh perspective for creating videos or exploring the updates firsthand. That can definitely help in capturing the experience from a new user’s eyes (and I would love any additional feedback that you have).

Glad you like the "Ask a Question” feature as well. We know how crucial it is for newcomers to feel supported right from the start, and that’s exactly what we’re aiming for—confidence and a sense of community right from day one.

The timer definitely acts as a bit of accountability, like your Pomodoro method (which I think is a great system, by the way!). Having that little nudge to take action seems to help people stay on track, just like how you’re using it for your replies.

We are constantly changing, trying new things, and working to find the best ideas which often times requires avoiding those ideas that simply aren't working. But you only know what you know and until you test, you don't find the best working solutions.

As always, thanks for your feedback here Roy!

Good morning Kyle,

It's a pleasure, Kyle! I guess that you must be checking lots of stats behind-the-scenes to see what's working and what's not working. I admire the way you are continually trying to make the starter experience straightforward.

Thank you for confirming that I can open a starter account, that could be useful for videos and understanding the starter process, etc.

I believe that whenever we purchase something new or maybe something like a broadband provider, we need to make sure that there is quality support or backup. So, I believe that having the "Ask a Question" feature helps to give people confidence when signing up.

We see time as being used all over the place, it might be for an exhibition, a countdown to Christmas, or purchasing a product like Wealthy Affiliate. So I'm guessing that it works, but sometimes we don't know until we test, as you have been doing, Kyle.

Have a fantastic Monday.


Well you have certainly thought this out.
I am not too keen on the timer.

I find that the time I was almost like accountability and lets me know that time is quickly going by! I have it set for 25 minutes, allegedly, with the Pomodoro technique, you're supposed to take a break, but I normally work through. However, I do think it's good to take regular breaks and step away from the screen and do something different for a few minutes.

Have a great day.


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