Beer With Kyle: Content Creation 2.0, New Training Designs, Bulk Writing.
Hey Everyone,
This week we have some interesting stuff in store, including an update that we released just a few days back, and a few "upcoming" releases that I am going to give you a sneak peek with.
This week is unique because I'm going for exercise "post" video, and the last thing you want to do before you exercise is drink a beer lol. So, I have a non-alcoholic beer this week. It's by Phillips, a local brewery, and non-alcoholic beers are really starting to get quite good and popular, at least here on the western side of Canada. This is called the Phillips Iota, a pale ale with an ABV of 0.5%.
Training Design Update to Reposition Comments.
The first thing I want to go over is an update to the training. This is more of a design update, and I'd like to get your feedback on it. Starting next week, when you open the training here at Wealthy Affiliate, it will look similar to this. It opens up in a pop-up, and it's right in front of you.
You can watch the training and go through the text side of the training, but you often have to scroll down to the comments area to leave an actual comment. So we are going to eliminate the need to do that to get support.
Content Creation Update, V2 Author & Article Designer.
Now, let's get into the content creation side of things. Recently, I released a video on the update to the article designer and the author platform. If you go to the article designer, it's now version 2.0, as well as the author platform. If you create your content here within Wealthy Affiliate, it has been updated and improved, leveraging our latest training models and OpenAI's latest GPT-4.0.
As we move forward, we will introduce more updates to content design and style. One option here is the optional content area, where you can include specific data or information in your content. We're expanding on style elements, helping you control the style of your authors at a higher rate. This was a highly requested feature by the community. You might see an implementation similar to GPT where you can add information about yourself and your style.
Upcoming Features!
We’re also working towards bulk writing and the ability to write multiple articles simultaneously. For example, if I have a hub on Achilles tendonitis with ten articles, I can add them to my writing tasks and bulk write them.
Conventionally, writing ten articles would take thirty to forty hours, but we aim to reduce this to less than five or ten minutes. You can then polish, edit, and schedule them for publication. We also want to add more robust features to the site content editor. This is one of the "next level" features we are going to be bringing your way in the near future.
I would love to hear your feedback on these updates. We always have a lot going on behind the scenes, and while I don’t share everything each Friday, we have exciting projects we're working on. You’ll see these updates rolled out weekly. Have a wonderful weekend ahead, and I'll catch up with you on Monday for my Monday Motivation. Please leave your feedback below.
Recent Comments
Oh wow! Bulk posts and scheduling posts is going to be huge. I can't wait to see these updates, Kyle. Thank you so much!
ps great to see a non-alcoholic beer in the mix. I've recently been trying non-alcoholic wine and my husband has been trying non-alcoholic beer, just for something different, and I gotta say that I like it. I reckon there's a really good niche right there!!
Yeah, we are really excited about getting it into your hands. Not sure on the exact date yet, but it is going to be going through some rigorous testing in the upcoming weeks.
And the non-alcoholics are becoming increasingly popular, people tend to drink these (if they are not wanting to drink at a social function),or will mix them in with other alcoholic beverages. It is a budding niche indeed!
I hope you have had an awesome weekend Melissa!
This all sounds great, Kyle.
When you were talking about the upgrade to the training and putting the comments on the side, I wondered if it might have issues with LiveChat, but you addressed that here in the video. Fantastic.
On the upgrades to the editor and authors. I did not pay attention too well in school, any school. So my Grammar foundation is limited. So when I write anything I lean heavily on the free version of Grammarly. I recommend using something like that because it has taught me that I am learning from what is showing me what needs correcting. Therefore, my writing is improving.
Great Video
Yeah, it won't have issues with the live chat, rather it will allow people to realize that there is help available as they are going through the core training, and it is much more readily available to them.
As for the content, a quick grammar scan could be a good idea. The reason we removed the grammar platform is because out of the box AI content is grammatically perfect, but I can see a need for it if you are creating your own content or making a lot of edits. Great to hear you are seeing some good improvements with your writing! :)
Hi Kyle, Cheers! Yes, I've tried some of these non-alcoholic beers, too. Mmmm. I much prefer the real thing, but they are refreshing!
Gosh, you are making it so easy for us to comment in/during the training modules! I think the more expansive layout makes sense, but I don't know about it on mobile. I guess it's have to be stacked. Anyway, the more comments the better I guess! I'm not sure I can comment during training because I'm too engaged and eager to learn whatever is being taught, but I know many people enjoy chatting at the back of the classroom. so I'm sure they'll be delighted.
This idea above may lead to something else. I find that I can socialise perfectly well when answering direct messages/comments, and I never have time to chat in the free chat. However, I feel that attention spans are so short nowadays that maybe we should encourage people to really focus on training and not chatting. This is the educator in me talking! The trainers always give time for Q&A anyway and the opportunity to comment on replays! Just a tiny point.
The new author designer is great! I've tried it out now and feel it's much improved. There is less AI-speak. Yes, the personal voice input will be great! I've trained my ChatGPT assistant now to my ways/expressions, etc., and even to British English as opposed to US English. It's incredible how quickly it learns. So, more personalisation will be excellent.
I'm very much in favour of the bulk creation feature! I always try to keep my health monitor in the green, but sometimes, it's a struggle. I'm looking forward to being able to schedule posts, too. At present, I check how many posts I need to stay green, outline them, load them up to the site, create an image, set the category, and come back to them later. That way, I always know what I've got to finish off.
Super updates. Thanks, Kyle, as always. Seeing how excited you are about perfecting WA and staying ahead of the curve is inspiring! Infectious!
Blessings and Peace to you!
I prefer the real thing as well, but these are good to mix in, in particular if you have exercise taking place after and you have to record a "beer with kyle". lol
As for the training comments, you are right. It is still stacked on mobile, but with desktop we have the real estate to offer training comments on the right and the ability to get help right there. I think this is going to lead to a lot more engagement and ultimately a lot more people getting help when they need it.
And I agree on the Q & A sort of approach, and we have the ability to "feature" comments at the top of every training module, so I am going to make good use of that...but also, I update this training pretty much weekly, so I am going to be able to answer a lot of the questions before they take place right within the video itself (as I continue to evolve those).
Great to hear about your feedback on the new Author release, it is definitely much improved and the feedback has been really good thus far. We are looking forward to making the process more and more efficient as time goes on by making the writing structures more flexible, and the SiteContent platform itself more "feature rich".
Thanks as always for your feedback here! :)
Hi Kyle:
This is all exciting news for the community! The more you and your team roll out, the more I realize the blessing it is to be here on this platform.
It also encourages me to spread the word about Wealthy Affiliate to others who are searching and do not have the training and support elsewhere.
Thank you for all you do!
We are blessed to have such an awesome community of folks here within WA! So likewise!
And feel free to spread the word to anyone and everyone that you know that would be interested in building a business online, doing something they love. The more the merrier, just make sure that you are using your affiliate link when you do this so you get full referral credit and commissions.
We appreciate you and I look forward to seeing your comments in the new BWK!
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Hello to Kyle or Carson, sorry so late I don't know if you'll get this in time. I'm trying to upgrade, I have the cash in the bank. I'm still trying to get my card situated. I have less than 45 minutes before I lose the bonus. Is there any way to get that extended in case this doesn't go through in time? I'm going right now to try again. Thank you so much 💓 for all your help and understanding. Sincerely. JohnCain500
Don't worry, you will not lose the bonus. I will make sure this is available to you John, so when you are ready to upgrade, simply go for it and the bonuses will be added to your account. :)