Beer With Kyle: BIG Author AI Updates Coming!


Hey Everybody,

Today, we have some interesting things to discuss, focusing on content creation and the advancement of our AI platforms. I have an update regarding that. We are getting very close to the release of our next iteration of our AI author platform!

I also want to discuss some concepts we aim to tackle with our writing environment because writing can mean many different things depending on your purpose and style.

The first thing I need to do is crack this week’s beer. This week’s beer is from Yukon Brewing, brewed in Whitehorse, Yukon. It's a Hefeweizen beer, which is typically a lighter, and sweeter beer.

Let's get right into things here:

Key Takeaways:

  1. Content Quality Focus:
    • Our core focus is on creating helpful and useful content through generative AI platforms.
    • We are leveraging OpenAI and will be shifting to the latest stable model with an upcoming update.
    • A significant focus is on improving content flow and transitions, crucial for creating longer, comprehensive articles (800 to 3000 words) using AI.
    • We are working on smooth transition technology to enhance content flow.
  2. Improving AI Content Quality:
    • The next iteration of the author environment aims to reduce AI-specific speak and improve content quality, requiring fewer edits from users.
    • Our approach with AI is AI-assisted, meaning AI does heavy lifting, but human involvement is essential from design to polishing the content.
  3. Advancements in Content Creation Speed:
    • Expect improvements in the speed of content creation with the new author environment, aiming to always be under a minute.
  4. Content Design and Specificity:
    • We are moving towards allowing more specific content creation, beyond just general blog posts.
    • This includes creating specific types of content with custom outlines or templates, streamlining the process for users.
    • We aim to solve the problem of creating content efficiently, especially when leveraging AI.
  5. Future Enhancements:
    • Integration of appropriate imagery into articles, giving users ideas on when and where to incorporate images.
    • Careful consideration of imagery in AI content to avoid overuse or inappropriate use.

AI is getting smarter and faster, and we continue to leverage generative AI in many aspects of your business to streamline processes and make them faster (and of higher quality than you could do by yourself). Content creation will be one of our core focuses moving forward.

I would love to hear your feedback on these updates. Jump into the comments below and leave any feedback you have regarding these content updates. Have a wonderful weekend ahead, and I will catch up with you on Monday for my Monday motivation!

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What I would be interested in is an ai blog management tool to be able to cross link articles within different hubs and different websites.

For instance, WA is evolving continually and I have articles created through WA that are on different websites promoting WA.

When there are updates to WA, I am constantly going through a manual record of blogs to try and identify which ones require to be updated.

Being able to put WA in a search feature and all the blogs I've written that mention WA were shown for all websites that I own it would make life much easier.

I see, being able to search through content that you have published to find out which content is where?

You can organize and tag content within SiteContent, to organize it in a specific way. So this labelling may help, but a search feature would be pretty cool. ;)

"Content creation will be one of our core focuses moving forward."

I like that Kyle and it is indeed the most important part of our business.
At the end it should of course be 'indexed' , 'noticed', and generate an interesting contact and lead to interaction and hopefully business ...
Personal style is the only thing that can make us 'different' in the realm of the internet.

Yes, that is the ongoing goal. The improvements to the writing technology here will continue to focus on higher quality, and more efficiency with your content creation. We are excited about what we have planned. :)

Hi Kyle,
Thanks for the coming updates on the article writer. It's helping me become a better content writer structurally. I'm a really bad writer but I'm learning from it plus the AIOSEO plugin.

I've noticed sometimes when the AI creates an outline there's places I want to add either a section heading or a talking point. I was thinking how good it would be to be able to add either and shift them about like we can move menu buttons on our sites, rather than they just being added lastly.

Anyways... that's my thought

Cheers and Beers whatever day

Yeah, we are going to be heading in that direction with the content structure ideas and allow for all sorts of different types of flexibility. So this is something that you can expect coming very soon. :)

Hi Kyle:

Thank you for your consistency in keeping us informed of upcoming updates. I look forward to seeing much improved AI content with the content designer. I know this will continue to evolve more quickly now than ever before, but you and your team are abreast with the changes.

I'm also excited about the diverse types of content that will come on board based on the different styles and interests of our niches. It's a great time to be at Wealthy Affiliate!


Absolutely, lots of improvements and iterative updates taking place within the writing side of WA at all times. Lots to look forward to!

Thanks a lot Kyle for this video and update. Whenever AI content creation is mentioned in WA the term "assisted" is added, and I think this is important.

I guess the definition of "assisted" might be a little fuzzy. My interpretation when I first heard the term, is to add up lines in certain paragraphs that AI didn't really express in the way that I want. Also, correct any spelling or structure issues that AI might have done.
I sometimes change whole paragraphs. In other cases AI would write pieces that are great for me, and actually expresses exactly what I want to say, therefore, my editing would be minimal.

Is there a certain direction, or editing percentage/threshold, to make the content AI "assisted."

I think this direction is good to have not only for using AI for content creation, but also for those members who try to guide and support other members regarding their content especially on the platform.

Assisted can be a little fuzzy, and it means different things to different types of applications. Get AI to do the heavy lifting. That is the first step, as it does an excellent job with anything that has an informational input and output (which is most tasks).

Then from there, you want to polish it's output, because sometimes it is not perfect, but sometimes it is (depending on what you are trying to accomplish). For research, it will help you come out with all sorts of new ideas.

There is no "percentage" that you should edit, but you should makes sure that you are happy with the output, and that you "beautify" your content (speaking on the content side of things) so it presents itself well to your audience, and speaks to "topic" well.

It is our job to continue to advance the author so it gets better, but also to offer you features where you can specify on how you want your authors to write. So expect more of that as we move forward with iterative updates here Rami. :)

Thank you Knyle, I hope this definition clarifies the confusion, especially for those who are experts on the platform and are keen on giving support to other members.

Thank you for all the great efforts Kyle.

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