Beer With Kyle: A HUGE Week of Updates & a New Starter Experience!


Hey Everyone,

I hope you've had an awesome and productive week so far, and Happy Friday. Today is summer officially solstice!

We have A LOT to discuss today. It's been a very busy week of releases, and I want to jump right into the updates. But first, let’s crack open this week’s beer.

Today, I’m featuring Herminator Ice Bock from Vancouver Island Brewing, a local brewery here in British Columbia. This dark beer has rich notes of chocolate, coffee, and brandy plums, and I’ll be pouring it into my Wealthy Affiliate glass from one of our yearly conferences in Las Vegas.

Key Takeaways:

  1. New Left-Hand Menu in Hubs: We’ve added a left-hand menu in the Hubs experience for desktop users, allowing for efficient navigation to writing tasks, revenue opportunities, and step-by-step training. This menu is not available on mobile devices to avoid taking up too much screen real estate.
  2. Affiliate Program Revenue Opportunities: Now integrated into your Hub, this feature centralizes all your affiliate program research, offering product and service category ideas relevant to your niche. It simplifies finding and managing affiliate programs.
  3. Updated Niche Research Section: The niche research section has been streamlined to present content ideas more clearly, making it easier to leverage these ideas for building your content, PPC pages, YouTube ideas, and social media strategies.
  4. Improved Starter Experience: The new starter experience now focuses on educating new members about choosing a niche they’re passionate about before they build their Hub. This ensures they’re more invested and likely to succeed in their chosen direction.

I would love to hear your feedback on all these updates. Jump into the comments below and let’s get the conversation started. Have an awesome weekend, and I will catch up with you on Monday! :)

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Recent Comments


Hi Kyle,
These changes look superb. I haven't had a chance to try anything yet because I was swamped this last week preparing for some LinkedIn Events I'm running, but I plan to get into them this weekend.

The new menu on Hubs is great, and the Revenue Opportunities are fab. One of the problems I had before when I started researching Networks and products was keeping track of all the passwords/logins/products themselves, so the favourite section will really help. I can't wait to get started with products.

The new starter interface looks great. As we know, non-business people don't understand niches at first, so familiarising them with which direction to go is excellent. I've created a six-step training programme to help newbies get the hang of mindset and niche choice, so this complements it perfectly. I'm looking forward to connecting many more people to WA as a result.

I'd like to try the starter experience hands-on, so what do you suggest? Should I just sign up with a different email address and user name, or is there a way to access it from the beta testing site?

Speak soon.
Your rich stout looks gorgeous! SO healthy! 😎 Belated cheers.

Thanks for your feedback Linden, and we have a bunch more Starter improvements that I am going to be discussing within the BWK that will be rolled out later today. Stay tuned! :)

Always here! Looking forward to it!

Hi Kyle:

I appreciate all of these updates. My comments will be limited at this point as I'm still not back in the swing of things where I get to explore these changes for the benefit of my business.

This is clearly a path to managing our businesses more efficiently whether as a starter member or premium, etc.

Thank you and your team for your dedication and interest in the WA community!


Spot on Veron

Hello Kyle. I love the affiliate section! I have already created 4 posts on the content ideas and signed up for those affiliate programs as well. Really makes things much easier being able to house the affiliate links and html links for the banners and ads in one spot. On another topic, I've only been back at Wealthy Affiliate for a little over a month and have already made more progress than I did the previous time, which was a two year span! I'm very impressed with the changes that have been made to the entire platform. It has made the experience so much more enjoyable and streamlined. Thank you and Carson for all you guys do to help out those of us just trying to get the lifestyle started and to actually see the light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to earning revenue. My website is based on promoting Wealthy Affiliate but I have also been handing out slips of paper with my link written on it when I talk to anyone. Also I have made flyers like the old days and placed them everywhere in my town. I 'm super impressed with what you guys have done and I can't tell people enough about the opportunity offered here at WA. Have a great day.
John Shoemaker

Good to see you back John, and I am sure you are building on what you learned before.

Thank you, I sure am happy to be back

Adding the new menu on the left-hand side makes it a lot easier to maneuver between the sections of My Hub, great addition.
I like the Affiliate Program Review Opportunity section because it adds the affiliate program, the affiliate link, and the commissions for the chosen niches. This will help find the products affiliated with the niches and decrease that research time.
Updating the Starter Section by helping people understand what a niche is and what niche they should be starting with will open the door for those who really want to be affiliate marketers and a bonus to Wealthy Affiliates Membership.
The update to the Niche Research Section will increase the usage of this section in current niches and future niche research.

The Hub philosophy that WA is adopting is one that I see great value in. I can see a dilemma coming up which reminds me of the Google Vs. Yahoo philosophies.

Yahoo adopted you can have everything in one place, and Google adopted the one line search bar, and all other products are created in different icons. Google won.

Even though that Google won, yet I can see that the experience that WA is offering in the Hub is of course much more organized and streamed. Unlike the application of Yahoo which became very confusing for the user.

Stating the above, I am reluctant to ask my question fearing that my leading question would result in a Yahoo experience.

Still here it is, would you be considering adding the questions, WA blog creation, and stats within the Hub?

What is included in the hubs corresponds to our businesses and websites vs. what folks ask in questions, such as discussion or blogging to the WA community within the WA platform.

Two separate bits should not be confused.

We have discussed that actually Rami, but there is a fine line between being distracted, and knowing what to actually do. The more we add to one interface, the more people are confused, less organized, and less productive.

The last part is one of the big focuses, is being more productive with your time. We have support right within all of the training, but I know there is a solution that would work better and we are always working towards that.

We think about and discuss all the things that you have brought up and as Hubs and WA evolve, you are going to see it do so in a way that best suits our audience. ;)

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