Beer With Kyle: A Final Review of the New Homepage Before Release!


Hey Everyone!

hope you've had an awesome week. Today, I want to give you a sneak peek of our new website, which is in its late stages of development. As always, I’m looking for your feedback on the design and overall flow because your input helps us make Wealthy Affiliate better for everyone.

Key Takeaways:

1. This Week's Beer:

Before we get into the website, let's crack open today’s beer! This week, it’s a Boundary Bay Brewing Co. Pilsner from Bellingham, Washington—thanks to Carson for picking this one up for me. Pilsners are always light and refreshing, perfect for warm weather like the sunny day we’re having here in Victoria, British Columbia. After pouring it, I can say it's a great Pilsner!

2. New Website Design:

Let’s jump into the website! The first thing you'll notice is the bluish-purple backdrop and the slogan "Design and Build an Online Business That You Love." We’re leading with this message because Wealthy Affiliate is all about building a business in any niche you’re passionate about—not just affiliate marketing. While affiliate marketing is a big part of what we offer, it's not the full picture, so we want to make it clear that you can build any type of business here.

3. Niche Research Tool:

We’ve made a significant improvement to the niche selection process. Now, instead of just asking for an email to get started, we’re offering value upfront. Users can enter a passion or interest (e.g., basketball), and our research tool will present them with several niche ideas, along with an opportunity rating based on metrics like profitability, competition, and audience size. For example, it might suggest a niche like basketball training programs with insights into why it could be a lucrative choice.

Once they choose a niche, users create their account and their hub will be ready for them, making the whole process much more valuable and shareable than simply signing up for access to the platform.

4. Updated Homepage Features:

We’ve redesigned the homepage flow as well. It now explains the process clearly—Choose a Business Idea, Build Traffic, and Make Money—and highlights what makes Wealthy Affiliate different. We’ve also included testimonials and a Q&A section at the bottom for social proof. We’re still considering adding a video to the homepage, as videos can help build trust, but we’re not entirely sure yet on how to implement that.

5. Customizable Niche-Specific Designs:

I’m really excited about this! When we launch, you’ll have access to multiple homepage designs targeted at different audiences. For example, if you’re promoting Wealthy Affiliate to people interested in cooking, you can choose a design with a cooking theme. If your audience is into golf, we have a golf-themed homepage. These niche-specific designs will help you target your traffic more effectively. We’re planning to have 10 to 15 different designs ready for you at launch.

Your Feedback:

Now, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Here are a few questions I have for you:

  • What do you think of the niche selection tool and how it works?
  • How do you feel about the overall design and flow of the homepage?
  • Do you think incorporating a video on the homepage would add value?

Please jump down into the comments below and share your feedback! Your insights are always valuable, and they help us make Wealthy Affiliate even better.

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Recent Comments


Sounds great, Kyle. You are certainly making it much easier for us to do our marketing and reaching our goals to get ranked and increase our chances of getting referrals revenue. Thevideo on the front page can definitely help us with more clicks and Opt ins. As always, thanks for all your hard work by keeping up with technology and helping us by simplifying the affiliate marketing process.

That is the goal, to improve our service with every day that passes, but in unison to improve the ways in which folks can promote our service. I think this is going to serve as a big leap for affiliates!

And thanks for your feedback on the video, it seems like consensus that most think that it is a good idea. I think it will build trust if anything, we ideally want to have a seamless experience in terms of design of the "business idea" search where we hopefully don't need a video to understand it.

Appreciate your feedback here Jerry!

Kyle, I love the video and the look of the new site.

My feedback is, love the templates for the different niches, when building a site and driving business to them from the get go ~ can you please add a spa product or healing modality template? Please please, and teaching music as well, or just the first one I mentioned!

Love this love this love this. It just spells OPPORTUNITY! Thanks Kyle

Sure, we can and will be adding all sorts of templates. At least something very close to what you have to offer.

It takes a bit of work to get the perfect image for the backdrop and so it doesn't wash out the text, but you can be sure that we will have a bunch ready for release and we will be accepting requests.

Glad you like the new direction of the website! ;)

Hi Kyle!

Q - What do you think of the niche selection tool and how it works?
I like this! I know it would be too long to have as a clickable button, but the phrase: "Search For An Idea You Are Passionate About"
Q - How do you feel about the overall design and flow of the homepage?
I am not an expert here, but I like how it is presented.
Q - Do you think incorporating a video on the homepage would add value?
I would love to see you do a short video welcoming visitors and helping them consider a niche that they are passionate about and how WA can help them succeed.

Great job WA team!

Yeah, that would be too long, But "Search for Idea" or "Search for an Idea" might work well, will have to see what that looks like on mobile as well. Will do some testing on that.

And thanks for your feedback RE: a video, definitely a direction that we are leaning here. Something that you will likely see on the page, maybe not with the initial release, but we will be testing for sure with and without a video.

Hey Kyle, I like this new idea and I have a couple of suggestions: First, although blue is one of my top three favorite colors, I think instead of the powder/sky blue background you currently have, I like the light green background that displays in the "Follow" button next to our names right here in the "Recent Comments" section (that or another variation/shade of the powder/sky blue you're currently using. As far as niche templates, why stop at 10 or 15, why not have a whole library of niche style templates to incorporate (100+). I don't mind a video (but I also don't have a preference either way) for the reason that some people are more visual so addressing that aspect will only attend to just that many more of your audience. Finally, you don't have to use any of my ideas (I WILL NOT take it personally!:-), just trying to contribute here a little bit... I like the whole idea/concept of evolving and aspiring to do better for all our benefits, so thank you for that!

We might have different gradient options available, so not just backdrops but we may have a green gradient that someone could send traffic too...along with the blue one, along with the image based ones as well.

We are not going to stop at 10 or 15, that is just for the release. As we get requests, we will build more. It could be something that is user initiated with time, but we want to be pretty careful with that, and we would build a system so the images are created in a way to avoid "profane" content, and where they are using colour schemes that don't wash out the text on the page.

Appreciate your feedback here, all great ideas Floyd. Keep em coming! :)

This seems to be the way to go.
Everything is provided at Wealthy Affiliate.
At the end of the day, we are beyond what people believe of us. We actually help people build lives while being online.

The new website design sounds and seems great. Keep it coming,
The Niche Research tool is also a very good idea.
Users can enter a passion or interest and the research tool will present them with several niche ideas, along with an opportunity rating based on metrics.

I think that the home-page idea is also a good one.
Your process should be shown in a clear manner and highlight what makes Wealthy Affiliate different from the rest.
The Testimonial and Q & A Section is also a good idea.

I am not overly targeted to "Multiple Homepage Designs" as it does trigger something.
But I am somewhat limited to cooking.
See me here Escoffier
Meet a mentor. Learn more.

I can only speak to you as "Father to Son" and that is not actually a right.

Carry on, the both of you. You are getting a little bit grey your future millionaire, (I remember). My love and respect to both families. Remain safe, and Live Long and Prosper.
alive and like Spock says,

I wish that WA could be sold as something other than a business tool. I'm sure the girls on the team can figure something out.

Pass it by them.
They are ultimately the ones who rule in silence.

Peace and love my friends.

Take Care.

WA can be sold as more than a business platform to start a business in any niche. Someone that is interested in golf, would love to know that they could build a business around the golf space within the online world. Same with cooking, same with anything.

That is the case with ANY niche. So it is opening the doors to many new audiences!

As always, appreciate the feedback here Paul! You take care, and I hope you are having an amazing weekend!

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