Ghost Traffic ! ? Secret.googledotcom !
Hello Friends,
For past couple of days, I have been noticing some pageviews and session from RUSSIA in the Name of "" and "".
So today I researched it in google and found out that this in fact is REFERRAL SPAM.
I also found that the domain is used by Russian Spammers to feed fraudulent referral traffic data into Google Analytics.
There is another "", which I came to know from Google.
It’s a specific type of web traffic that is known as “ghost traffic.”
Be careful.
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Don't try to filter each referral/keywords, it will be a waste of time only. Is better to create Hostname filter that will take care of most of the spam. And for this case a language filter too.
There are many others like the one you mention Kushlokk, begalka .xyz, brateg .xyz, abc .xyz and 8+
This article should help you create this optimized filters so you can prevent most of this traffic.
You can block it by following these steps.
1. Open your Google Analytics account and go to the Admin tab> Cick Filters on the right side in the VIEW section.
2. Click the + ADD FILTER button to create a new exclude filter.
3. Add or something you can easily remember as the Filter Name.
4. Select the Custom Filter Type.
5. In Filter Field, find and select Campaign Source in the list. In the Filter Pattern text box, add and click the blue Save button on the bottom of the webpage.
You avoid using campaign source for the filter, although it will work for a couple of days, you will need to add/update your filters frequently. There are many ways the spam can hit you, for example, the latest and most annoying language spam:ɢoogle-com-trump-spam-google-analytics/
I recommend you using a combination of a language filter and a hostname filter. It may take a more time to prepare but it will save you some headaches in the long run
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Thanks for sharing and thanks for the follow.