It Take Time
So many people want instance success. Well it doesn't happen that way. You have to put in the work and co tongue to do so to make this happen. It may be a month it may be six months. Successful people have been knocked down dusted off then came back even stronger. Just needed to get this off my chest because so many people I know keep saying how they want something but don't out in the work to get it. They want to lose weight but keep eating the same. Want a better job but don't go online looking for something better. Or if they apply for a job they should get it right away.
If it was that easy everyone would be doing well. It will take months for you to see results but it may take a year for others to see your shine. Never let anyone dull your shine. When they say you can't do it make it shine even more to show them you made it happen.
Happy Monday everyone! Hope it's a good start to your week!
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Kevin, I've been guilty of that myself, procrastinating just because something is unfamiliar....
Thanks for the sound advice!
I needed to read that! Thank you, I have an inline skate website and I've been doing product reviews and an amazon affiliate and just got a notice about not making any sales in 180 days. This was not what I wanted to see. Yeah, so I have not made one penny since Feb 12th. Thank you for your post. I mean all I have to do is re-apply but still sucks. Rome wasn't built in a day! I'm not giving up!
Exactly! Do what they did in Rome.....keep plugging away and make things happen. You can do it. We all have faith in you here at WA! Can't wait to see the blog about your first sale!!!
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Time , patience, determination, networking, hard work will lead to success. .Thank you for reminding us!
Your so welcome and best of luck to you!