Comments & Feedback


This is such a great idea, paying it forward, but there are a couple of thing that I just don't quite understand.

The first thing is how come we have to give comments on 2 sites when we only get 1 comment back. I am not really into reading that much as I get headaches so this is a bit of a pain cause I try as get as many comments as I can every day to help my website.

The other thing is it seems as if some people don't even read your post as when they comment they ask questions that are clearly in your post, this is quite frustrating, do they just go to your page, look at it and comment and not even read it?

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Hi Keza,
I feel your pain. I often receive comments that either do not contain any indication that the actual post at hand was read or are so riddled with spelling errors, grammatical errors, and typos that I do not want them on my site. I disapprove them. If there is something salvageable in the comment, you can edit it to fix the errors, which I do.

There is another avenue you might consider. Several of the training modules include adding your posts to discussion threads. You can request comments in exchange for providing comments. This approach tends to have two advantages. It is a one for one exchange which saves time. I also have found that the folks who are submitting posts as part of training have taken more care in creating the article and commenting is a more enjoyable process.

Hello, thank you, I hadn't thought of doing that, I might give that a go. Cheers Kerry :-)

Sometimes things get glossed over due to the volume of mail received here.

Thank you :-)

You can disapprove low quality comments and they won't get credit.

Thank you :-)

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