Praying 2023 Ends On A Better Note!

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I was sure hoping 2023 was going to be a much better year than the previous ones. We always make New Year's resolutions for the upcoming year and the goals we want to achieve in the upcoming. Maybe start a family, more money, buy a house, ect. Boy January 2023 started with a bang and turned quickly!

Just when our family though this year can't get worse it slams life back in our faces!

Or family have lost 5 loved ones this year alone and it had to be some of the hardest things to get through for each one. The worst thing about these loved ones is they were taken from us unfortunate circumstances! So if you don't mind I want to take a minute to remember each one of them.

The first was my lovely Niece Emily! She was killed by a drunk driver back on February 5, 2023. The other sad thing is that same drunk driver killed another 2 of her friends that was in the car and seriously injured the 4th.

The second was my incredible Aunt Debbie! She had passed with Hepatorenal Syndrome on April 7 2023. Her liver shut down and then the kidneys so it was not the most pleasant way to pass!

The third was my Grandma Rita! She was 92 years old but the autopsy claims the cause of death was trauma to the chest from a person try to pass causing a vehicle accident. She ended up traveling by ambulance to the hospital where she passed a week later on September 24, 2023!

The fourth was my Aunt Monica! She passed away at the age of 62 from cancer that started in her breasts and ended up spreading rapidly. She fought each time she found out that it had spread with the help of chemotherapy. She had passed on October 4, 2023 which was the day before my birthday!

The fifth was my Cousin Tyler! He passed at the young age of 37 in his home out of nowhere and he thought he just had the flu. The autopsy still have not came back yet but this is one of the hardest yet. Tyler was Debbie's son-in-law who passed just 7 months before himself! Tyler has a lovely daughter Kailynn which just turned 6 to his widowed wife "Brandi". So not only did Brandi lose her mother on April 7th she lost her husband on November 7th (exactly 7 months apart). I feel so helpless when it comes to Kailynn! I can't imagine losing your Grandma and Dad so close to each other and near the holidays. It makes it worse that poor Kailynn was the one to find her dad laying on the floor who was already gone. Family tried CPR until ambulance arrived but no one could revive the young guy! He passed on November 7, 2023 with internally bleeding without a cause yet!

As I close this blog out I just want to think the WA Community for taking the time to read this and letting me get this off my chest! We have lost so many amazing people in such a short time within our family but if anyone wants to keep baby Kailynn and Brandi their prayers it would be greatly appreciated.


Kevin and Son

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Blessings on you and yours. <3

I am truly sorry to hear that you have lost so many loved ones. That makes it difficult to get through your day to day, let alone build and grow a business. I hope that you can eventually find some healing and I truly wish you a better and happier 2024.

I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your whole family. YOUR HEARTFELT MEMORIAL BROUHTH ME TO TEARS. I know it must be extremely hard. For you and your whole family to loss so many. Family members in such short amount of time. I know loss so very well and how hard it is. I lost my husband of 31 years. I lost him on Jan. 5 2022. I never thought that I would make through it. Time dose lightens the pain. It won't take all of the pain away. It will get easier. I still have bad day, but I don't have very many now. Ones again my hearth go out to you and your family.

So sorry about your husband and we appreciate the kind words!

Kevin and Son

I will pray for your family that time easiest the pain. I took his loss very hard. I cried for over a year and half almost everyday. Now I just starting to not cry every day. It will take time for your pain to be not so hard. I pray that your pain get less painful.

Hi Kevin…I’m so sorry for the losses you and your families suffered this year — and pray for a better 2024 for you.

Please accept my sincere condolences. 🙏


Thanks so much and it is gratefully appreciated.

Kevin and Son


I'm so sorry about the loss of your dear loved ones, Kevin, but I will keep Kailynn and Brandi in my prayers. I just can't begin to imagine losing that many people at once. :(

Myra 💜

Thank you and what makes it so hard is there is not many you can turn to for comfort. When so many pass that means everyone is grieving and it's hard to find someone strong at this time.

Kevin and Son

True. The best thing we can do is grieve and pray for a better 2024 which is just around the corner.

Myra 💜

Hugs, you have had your share of sadness, I’m so sorry.

Thank you Kathie it means a lot.

Kevin and Son

So sorry to hear about all the loss of dear ones this year. Will include you and your family in our prayers. Take care and all the best to you going forward.

Much appreciated, thank you!

Kevin and Son

I have to be honest that I wasn't expecting to read this until the second paragraph. I am sad as I can relate to this, I also lost 4 family members all in 2014. A year that I will never forget.

Kailynn and Brandi Will be in my prayers and thoughts.

I wish you all the best in moving forward too my friend. Unfortunately, as much as it is hard, life still has to go on 😔

That is true and thank you!

Kevin and Son

So sorry for all your losses this year. It's got to be hard to get through. Prayers are coming your way. Let's hope 2024 is much better for you and your family.

Thank you so much and I hope so also!

Kevin and Son

Sending prayers I’m so sorry to hear about all of this :((

Thank you.

Kevin and Son

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