About kenzie2393
Rank 16859
574 followers Joined March 2016
Hey there! I'm Mackenzie, but please call me Kenzie. I've got a little update! I currently moved to a new city and am only working





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Social Engagement & Marketing

Recently I shared my G+ profile https://plus.google.com/108867821930903732856 and one of the kind folks here at WA mentioned to me that they couldn't follow me! I'm not sure ho

Hi Kenzie. I just clicked on your link here to check if anything showed up, and 'followed' you. I didn't get any indication that you had any restrictions. I don't know what happened with the other person. Ange

Why do I have a "restricted" profile on google?

Why do I have a "restricted" profile on google?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Recently I shared my G+ profile https://plus.google.com/108867821930903732856 and one of the kind folks here at WA mentioned to me that they couldn't follow me! I'm not sure ho

Hi Kenzie. I just clicked on your link here to check if anything showed up, and 'followed' you. I didn't get any indication that you had any restrictions. I don't know what happened with the other person. Ange

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hello all! I have a question or two about WordPress. I have my own domain set up (mindfulgreymatter.com). I have only been logging into my website from WA with the auto-generat

My guess is that you could log in from your phone, but surely there could be a widget which would facilitate this, just floating an idea

I'm hoping there is something like that!

I haven't tried to log in on my phone but I can log in to my site from the internet by going to my url and adding /wp-admin to the end of the url. This brings up the login screen for the site.

I also use Lastpass to automatically add the username and password to make it easy to remember.

I might invest in Lastpass... With that, does it use you use your email to log in? Or just the user "admin"? And the password from WA? Or did you change those?

Lastpass is free. You choose a master password....It is the Last Password you will need to remember.

If I don't want to use Lastpass, though, can I change my WordPress password from WA? To something that isn't just a different auto password? I'm trying to figure out how to get to the original problem.

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Wordpress log in - can I change this?

Wordpress log in - can I change this?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hello all! I have a question or two about WordPress. I have my own domain set up (mindfulgreymatter.com). I have only been logging into my website from WA with the auto-generat

My guess is that you could log in from your phone, but surely there could be a widget which would facilitate this, just floating an idea

I'm hoping there is something like that!

I haven't tried to log in on my phone but I can log in to my site from the internet by going to my url and adding /wp-admin to the end of the url. This brings up the login screen for the site.

I also use Lastpass to automatically add the username and password to make it easy to remember.

I might invest in Lastpass... With that, does it use you use your email to log in? Or just the user "admin"? And the password from WA? Or did you change those?

Lastpass is free. You choose a master password....It is the Last Password you will need to remember.

If I don't want to use Lastpass, though, can I change my WordPress password from WA? To something that isn't just a different auto password? I'm trying to figure out how to get to the original problem.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Yesterday I used my domain email (which forwards to a personal gmail account) to sign up for Gravatar. I haven't received any confirmation email and I've requested it sent to m

Gravatar was always instant for me. Check your spam folder to see if it is landing there.

Nothing there! I'm almost ready to try another email but I don't want to jump the gun.

I would go ahead and try a different email if you have it available.

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I can't confirm my gravatar account - help?

I can't confirm my gravatar account - help?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Yesterday I used my domain email (which forwards to a personal gmail account) to sign up for Gravatar. I haven't received any confirmation email and I've requested it sent to m

Gravatar was always instant for me. Check your spam folder to see if it is landing there.

Nothing there! I'm almost ready to try another email but I don't want to jump the gun.

I would go ahead and try a different email if you have it available.

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