Hospital again?
Well, where do I start?
I have been trying to get going again and get my seashell images on my site and get thru my training, but I ended up getting sick and in the Hospital again. I contracted pneumonia and was very sick for 3 weeks, then when I went to get my Multiple Myeloma check up, I still had a fever and had not gotten over my pneumonia yet, so my Oncologist wanted me to get a chest xray and have some more blood tests done. Specifically blood cultures.
I had to be admitted for the day at Moffitt for all the tests. I went home that night and in the morning, the Nurse called me and said my blood cultures were positive for an infection, but they didn't know what it was yet. I had to go back to Moffitt again and start IV Antibiotics twice a day for two weeks. I had to stay in Tampa for 4 days and now I have home health and can do my infusion myself. Yaay:)
So, now I am home and can finally get started.
I only telling you all this, because I need a little support from my WA family
Kinda Bush
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Bless you. All I have to cope with is frustration at myself and impatience to learn this and get started. I am truly blessed. May your spirit raise up and fight and bring you back to health and the determination that I hear in your words.
Oh my goodness, you've had a rough time! I am so sorry to hear about the pneumonia and Myeloma check up. You will definitely be in my prayers. Take care of yourself, Kinda. Keep us updated so we know you're okey & how you're making out.
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Kinda, May God bless you and help you feel better soon.
Thank you for your kind words