Busy bees getting more busy

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'If you want something done, give it to a busy person'.

I struggle with statement, if they are already stretched, why do they need to take on more work?

|I understand this to an extent but I also have a problem with the statement.

Why not give whateve needs done to a less busy person?

What do you think?

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A busy person will always find a way to fix the task without excuse.

Yes that’s right.

I always hated that phrase but I do remember one time at a scout meeting when my kids were little. The leader asked everyone who couldn't take on anything else to raise their hand. Of course, I did. He told the crowd, take note of those with their hands raised, they would be doing the most. I thought he was crazy but surprisingly it worked out that way. I think Jeff might have hit the nail on the head as to the reason.


Interesting example

A busy person knows how to multi-task, and also knows what has to be done and GETS it done, Kav!


Yes you are right.

Some might disagree, Kav, but it has always, for the most part, worked for me! I always say whatever works best for each individual is the route that they should choose!


Your response about multitasking nailed it.
A less busy person would most likely lack such skills.

Thanks, Kav, and very true! A less busy person likely would have no need of such skills!


A less busy person is more lazy than the busy person.

I'm with Joe, you won't get dinner unless you make it, the trash will not make it to the trash can for pick-up, or, outside the gate.
Everything they touch, or say they will touch, turns into them.

Their inner and outer world are turned into the same insane world!
This person only pretends innocence.
Can you afford this seething chaos, and excusing themselves from productivity?
Stupidity is its own punishment.

Be wise to be well, Kav, as you have lots of things to deal with on your own plate right now!
Be wise, so that this kind of person's "lie-f-style" cannot set you back or injure you. See it for what it is, rise above it.

Wise words

A very true statement. If you need something done, give it to a busy person as they can always find time.

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