Wrote 3 news posts yesterday and sold 4 books

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Yesterday was a busy day. I was in the car driving for most of it from about 8:15 a.m. until I returned home about 8:30 p.m. I had to take my dad to a doctor appointment. He has a wound on his leg that just will not heal. Yesterday we got the news that it will likely never heal and we need to look at options to keep him comfortable.

When people say things like that to me I get angry. To me, it feels like THEY are giving up. Not me, not my sister and certainly not my dad!

My dad suffers from dementia and is very forgetful. But he knows what pain is. I fear that if they treat his condition more aggressively with medications for the pain, he will be less and less my dad every day!

This has been a difficult drag on my spirit for months now. However, I know that I can't dwell on the "might happens". Don't get me wrong, I love my dad and want him to heal but short of a miracle at this point, the medical profession is not going to do anything more except wound care. Basically changing the bandages and giving him increasingly stronger pain killers.

We are going to have a meeting next week to discuss more things, but... in the meantime I will give my dad as much love and togetherness as I can because... Well, I don't want to go there!

Pictured above is my dad, my granddaughter and our dog Bug. She blends in perfectly to my granddaughter's blouse!

On to the brighter side of yesterday . . .

I had been so tired all day while driving so of course when I got home I was wide awake!

So I decided I would write a couple of posts followed up by Facebook posts.

I ended up writing three content posts and three Facebook posts. I have been watching my engagement rise which is exciting. Still not anywhere close to where my goal is, but it is gaining ground!

A brand new day

Then this morning I wanted to see if my book was reaching anyone. To my surprise I had sold a total of 4 books! 3 in paperback and 1 e-book! I was excited. Now I know that I have to amp up my promotion and marketing!

It is getting closer to the time when I will be doing my first live training. I am nervous about it but excited, too.

Each step, no matter how small, is one step closer to reaching my goals! Each sale, each post, each engagement, each day is one movement closer to the day when I will say, "I'm getting there!"

I don't think I will ever "arrive." I think the day that we say we have arrived is the day we stop (take that to mean whatever you believe).

I just know that each step closer is the day that I can "retire" and do what I love so much which is to write and create.

Are you taking steps daily/weekly to reach your goals? Are you really willing to spend the time it takes to create the goals you have set? Further, have you set goals? Reasonable, realistic and achievable goals?

Well, I am off to work on my dream! I plan to write at least a couple of content posts this evening!

I might even add some monetization to one or two of them!

See where that goes!


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Hello Karin

I am sorry to hear about your dad, it is very hard to watch our parents become elderly with health problems. My mom is not doing well at this time with a slipped disc, and surgery isn't an option due to her age.

Congratulations on your 3 new posts and sold books, I am very proud of all that you have accomplished in such a short time.

Stay positive

Sorry to hear about your mom, Jeff. It is hard to watch our aging parents going through these things. I miss my dad, but like I said above, I am seeing a side of him that I didn't know existed before.

I am working on the marketing now for the books.


Thank you, Karin

My mom is doing a little better today, they have her on pain meds and pain patches which seem to be helping.

Great to hear you are working on your book marketing now, please keep us updated on how it goes for you


I am sad and doing a jig of joy at the same time. My parents lived with me and their dementia's for seventeen years. I hear your pain and understand your frustration.

However I am doing a happy jig because you have come here and taken Massive action and I am so happy you are starting to get profitable and this can only increase.

I am working at this as much as time and the granddaughter will allow! She is sooooo bored! And school has only been out for two weeks! This is going to be a looonnnggg summer.


Wow Karin you are doing big things. Congrats on the books sales. Would love to know what the title of you book is. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's health struggles. It sounds like a difficult time for you and your family. But it's heartwarming to know he has your love, support and family surrounding him. Please know I'm thinking of you and sending positive energy your way.

Thanks. I am having fun with the books and my websites.

I wish I could take some of my dad's pain away, but the best I can do is to be with him and distract him from the pain. Thanks for the positive energy.


Great post and a great business wins for you. You deserve greatness with your commitment to your goals. As with your Dad, he is lucky to have you by his side.

Thanks. It hasn't been without effort, but I have talked about being serious for years. I figured it was about time!

Yeah, that man means the world to me! He has always been the silent strong one in our family.


Good job Karin! Good to hear, you are making progress. Keep going, the sky is the limit!
Wishing you the best!

Thanks. The endless sky is the limit!


Great Karin. Well done. Big progress.

Your Dad looks happy and loved! You are maintaining his quality of life, so no matter what medical diagnoses say, that love and happiness will sustain him. That will inevitably heal him!

So, look after yourself so you can look after him! 🌺

Thank you. And I do believe that my dad will be healed. He is stubborn, but he is in a lot of pain and that has to be controlled, too.

Hope you have a great day!


You're doing a precious job!! Kudos!! 🙏🏼

Thank you, Lindi. ☺️


Good for you, Karin. Congrats on the book sales!

Sorry to hear about your dad, I can't believe the docs csnt figure out a way to heal the injury, which will only get worse as time goes on.
That's why they call it a "Practice"...grin.

Hopefully you have searched elsewhere for ways to heal an open wound.

Hang in there!


Yeah, it's a practice! Well, we will keep on doing what we are doing for now and we are meeting next week with all the "team" members. So we will see where that takes us.

The book sales were awesome to wake up to! Thanks, Rudy!


You're welcome, Karin.


Hu Rudy,
How are you? Long time.

How about LinkedIN? We must get down to that one day!! 😘🤨

Hi Lindi, yes, You've been busy on LinkedIn!.

Let's chat and discuss things via DM.


Great! 🌺 Whenever you're ready!

Sounds good!


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